#( #OMInspection #identifier: '008 Rev-D for op-210' #comment: 'LOAD AS SHOWN, using (2) 3/4"(S-754-20) six inches long with 1" post(MP-50-20) on top of both. X28 Y22; X30 Y22.(1) 1/2" (S502-20) six inches long with 1" (S-501-20) on top, X29 Y21.' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #routingTable: #( #Dictionary #('meas' ' ->' #measurement) #('np' ' ->' #nominalPart)) #nominalPart: #( #OMPart #identifier: 'np' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #routingTable: #( #Dictionary #('cf' ' ->' #controlFeatures) #('cg' ' ->' #constructedGeo) #('geo' ' ->' #geometry) #('pcs' ' ->' #pcs)) #geometry: #( #OMListBuilder #identifier: 'geo' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #dictionary: #( #Dictionary #('Cylinder1' ' ->' #( #OMGeoCylinder #identifier: 'Cylinder1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.12750141712908d 0.99183838836278d -3.8606251821983d-15) #( #Array -0.99183838836278d 0.12750141712908d -1.1743887118909d-14) #( #Array -1.1155802891399d-14 5.3264785090492d-15 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -4.872004950645d-27 #y: 8.3303711591339d-27 #z: -38.353426101714d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 4.2786326180055d-13 #y: -2.0428869987919d-13 #z: -38.353426101714d) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: -1.1155802891399d-14 #y: 5.3264785090492d-15 #z: 1.0d #referenceAxis: 3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 1.4429469009255d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.12750141712908d 0.99183838836278d -3.8606251821983d-15) #( #Array -0.99183838836278d 0.12750141712908d -1.1743887118909d-14) #( #Array -1.1155802891399d-14 5.3264785090492d-15 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -4.872004950645d-27 #y: 8.3303711591339d-27 #z: -38.353426101714d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #limit: 48.771596826568d #radius: 14.478d #angleSegment: 6.2831853071796d #ioSign: -1 #flags: #( #Array true))) #('Cylinder3' ' ->' #( #OMGeoCylinder #identifier: 'Cylinder3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #center ' ->' #( #Vector #x: 1.505478806862d-12 #y: -8.1812064491558d-13 #z: -36.765926d)) #( #dofType ' ->' #allFree) #( #evalForCompare ' ->' #OMCfElementFE) #( #evalType ' ->' #gauss) #( #firstProbeRadius ' ->' 0.0d) #( #indexOfMaxDev ' ->' 11) #( #indexOfMaxDevOfAll ' ->' 11) #( #indexOfMinDev ' ->' 10) #( #indexOfMinDevOfAll ' ->' 10) #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #maxDev ' ->' 4.2632564145606d-14) #( #minDev ' ->' -4.2632564145606d-14) #( #noPt ' ->' 20) #( #noPtOfAll ' ->' 20) #( #referenceSystemForCompare ' ->' nil) #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil))) #( #sigma ' ->' 2.363734087846d-14) #( #startvalue ' ->' 0)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 1.5036275092406d-12 #y: -8.1423943803865d-13 #z: -36.104861533831d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -2.8004797052863d-15 #y: 5.8711473321566d-15 #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 2.8004797052863d-15) #( #Array 1.644202895045d-29 1.0d -5.8711473321566d-15) #( #Array -2.8004797052863d-15 5.8711473321566d-15 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 1.4025165772529d-12 #y: -6.0226247656641d-13 #z: -36.104861533831d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #limit: 0.0d #radius: 16.9545d #angleSegment: 6.2831853071796d #ioSign: 1 #flags: #( #Array true))) #('FreeformSurface1' ' ->' #( #OMGeoFreeformSurface #identifier: 'FreeformSurface1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #actBSToNomBSSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #bestFitSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #status ' ->' #( #Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #entity: ' #[entity 177 5]')) #('FreeformSurface2' ' ->' #( #OMGeoFreeformSurface #identifier: 'FreeformSurface2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #actBSToNomBSSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #bestFitSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #status ' ->' #( #Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #entity: ' #[entity 164 5]')) #('FreeformSurface3' ' ->' #( #OMGeoFreeformSurface #identifier: 'FreeformSurface3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #status ' ->' #( #Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #entity: ' #[entity 173 5]')) #('FreeformSurface4' ' ->' #( #OMGeoFreeformSurface #identifier: 'FreeformSurface4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #status ' ->' #( #Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #entity: ' #[entity 168 5]')) #('FreeformSurface7' ' ->' #( #OMGeoFreeformSurface #identifier: 'FreeformSurface7' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #status ' ->' #( #Array 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #entity: ' #[entity 180 5]')) #('Plane1' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array -0.93745080695715d 0.34811777394351d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.34811777394351d 0.93745080695715d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d -1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -16.891189162826d #y: -16.516823495054d #z: 38.353425609065d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 10.084859083441d #y: -21.363832684429d #z: -38.353425609065d) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d #referenceAxis: -3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: -1.2152337867123d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array -0.93745080695715d 0.34811777394351d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.34811777394351d 0.93745080695715d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d -1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -16.891189162826d #y: -16.516823495054d #z: 38.353425609065d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 33.782378378727d 33.033646040792d))) #('Plane10' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane10' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -35.963287735535d #y: -9.9120963328967d #z: -4.4778810483601d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.9909814242273d #y: 6.9998687886893d-4 #z: 0.13399748824062d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: -0.63729999504872d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.30624445711831d 0.95150411995215d -0.029227422027776d) #( #Array 0.066968171305183d 0.0090929374574963d 0.99771367762522d) #( #Array 0.94959443791355d -0.30750159056901d -0.060935829207262d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -8.1735414461979d #y: -5.5754937006046d #z: -36.245913250552d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Plane11' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane11' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 38.234463330151d #y: 5.539720922472d #z: -5.3938715034281d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.98701882756371d #y: -7.0001335288206d-4 #z: 0.16060306353266d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.15386321449572d -0.62430431748692d 0.76587873086556d) #( #Array 0.28599297672086d 0.77006897058358d 0.57026467347249d) #( #Array -0.94579814362864d 0.13129318227361d 0.29703193733517d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.8167194161104d #y: 5.5126959578678d #z: -38.608285335022d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Plane2' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.59297744110846d 0.64727896342855d 0.47896523656662d) #( #Array -0.80521900001855d 0.47641556217102d 0.35305888195938d) #( #Array 3.4109470465254d-4 -0.59502786121671d 0.8037050006254d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -28.013180868041d #y: -27.04850037998d #z: 1.8829382497643d-13) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 5.1687821195293d #y: -31.018669189013d #z: -22.967053104278d) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 3.4109470465254d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d #referenceAxis: 3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.93629730879455d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.59297744110846d 0.64727896342855d 0.47896523656662d) #( #Array -0.80521900001855d 0.47641556217102d 0.35305888195938d) #( #Array 3.4109470465254d-4 -0.59502786121671d 0.8037050006254d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -28.013180868041d #y: -27.04850037998d #z: 1.8829382497643d-13) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 54.609378068529d 50.898794479935d))) #('Plane3' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #center ' ->' #( #Vector #x: -0.031983308992734d #y: 21.02263966202d #z: -13.2014563791d)) #( #dofType ' ->' #parNv) #( #evalForCompare ' ->' #OMCfElementFE) #( #evalType ' ->' #gauss) #( #firstProbeRadius ' ->' 0.74984412860605d) #( #indexOfMaxDev ' ->' 1) #( #indexOfMaxDev2 ' ->' 2) #( #indexOfMaxDev2OfAll ' ->' 2) #( #indexOfMaxDevOfAll ' ->' 1) #( #indexOfMinDev ' ->' 2) #( #indexOfMinDev2 ' ->' 1) #( #indexOfMinDev2OfAll ' ->' 1) #( #indexOfMinDevOfAll ' ->' 2) #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #maxDev ' ->' 0.0d) #( #maxDev2 ' ->' -8.873390100494d-16) #( #minDev ' ->' -3.5527136788005d-15) #( #minDev2 ' ->' -8.8901613528496d-16) #( #nomGeoID ' ->' 'Plane3') #( #noPt ' ->' 2) #( #noPtOfAll ' ->' 2) #( #plcnLine ' ->' -1) #( #plcnType ' ->' #line) #( #projectionVector ' ->' #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d)) #( #referenceSystemForCompare ' ->' nil) #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil))) #( #sigma ' ->' 3.5527136788005d-15) #( #sigma2 ' ->' 1.2560733288914d-15) #( #technology ' ->' #technology)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -8.0816719482378d #y: -21.02263966202d #z: -13.210692255373d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -1.0126721977233d-16 #y: 1.0d #z: 0.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 1.5696580146543d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999935212281d 1.0126715416361d-16 0.0011383118947678d) #( #Array 0.0011383118947678d 1.1527368081691d-19 -0.99999935212281d) #( #Array -1.0126721977233d-16 1.0d 0.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -8.0967046004393d #y: 13.201484233158d #z: -21.02263966202d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 16.227399999993d 0.0d))) #('Plane4' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment2' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: -24.898573083903d #z: 1.6699135892389d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -6.9999982850006d-4 #y: 0.99999975500009d #z: 0.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment2' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array -1.2522535092208d-16 -0.59501918827749d 0.80371149399619d) #( #Array 0.99999975500009d 5.6259790796079d-4 4.1651332974859d-4) #( #Array -6.9999982850006d-4 0.80371129708695d 0.59501904249784d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 1.6699135892391d #y: -0.017428996888628d #z: -24.898566983755d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Plane5' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane5' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -33.862805469305d #y: -17.152623600885d #z: 0.31729058919004d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.99999971000013d #y: 6.9999979700009d-4 #z: -2.9999991300004d-4) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.28598428419437d 0.77013795652507d 0.5701758650743d) #( #Array 2.8747020905945d-4 -0.59509653201802d 0.80365417621077d) #( #Array 0.95823426496589d -0.22966855574832d -0.17040964745509d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -17.128915440473d #y: 0.30712813665714d #z: -33.874897669283d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Plane6' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane6' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 36.2712d #y: 2.1728568513436d #z: -1.8254666260201d) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: -0.95801873423952d #y: -0.28670560658296d #z: 0.0d #referenceAxis: -1) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.63729999504872d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array -3.144529155252d-5 0.0d 0.9999999995056d) #( #Array -4.2473233309566d-5 0.99999999909801d -1.3355832052578d-9) #( #Array -0.99999999860361d -4.2473233330565d-5 -3.1445291524157d-5))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -6.4162904430264d #y: -5.5986306176009d #z: -35.371459354931d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Plane7' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane7' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -28.575d #y: -9.7282d #z: -0.68834d) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d #referenceAxis: -2) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 2.1387189767372d-7) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.95803388436918d -0.23038624170572d -0.17056745303023d) #( #Array -2.0489652441391d-7 -0.59502755541882d 0.80370529940536d) #( #Array -0.28665497797957d -0.76997687492873d -0.57005660742993d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -28.575000147216d #y: -0.68833388861052d #z: 9.7282d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Plane8' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Plane8' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #isProjected ' ->' false) #( #ptangle ' ->' 0.0d)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 30.85846d #y: 7.7978d #z: -1.35128d) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d #referenceAxis: -2) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment3' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.9580338843692d -0.23038611444605d -0.17056762492021d) #( #Array 2.7755575615629d-16 -0.59502760469195d 0.80370526292576d) #( #Array -0.28665497797957d -0.76997687492873d -0.57005660742993d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 30.85846d #y: -1.35128d #z: -7.7978d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))))) #controlFeatures: #( #OMListBuilder #identifier: 'cf' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #dictionary: #( #Dictionary #('23_OD_Tube' ' ->' #( #OMCFPosition3dPol #identifier: '23_OD_Tube' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' true) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #gdtPosPol2d) #( #mmcPossibleForReferences ' ->' true) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil) #( #tempNominalReferenceSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Datum Ref. Frame_23_OD_Tube' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #pcsWoSpecial ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 1.1155802891399d-14) #( #Array 5.9421144352226d-29 1.0d -5.3264785090492d-15) #( #Array -1.1155802891399d-14 5.3264785090492d-15 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -8.9362163343436d-27 #y: -3.7612887960938d-27 #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 1.1155802891399d-14) #( #Array 5.9421144352226d-29 1.0d -5.3264785090492d-15) #( #Array -1.1155802891399d-14 5.3264785090492d-15 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -8.9362163343436d-27 #y: -3.7612887960938d-27 #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #tempReferenceSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Best Fit_23_OD_Tube' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999976771197d 0.0d 6.8159811915239d-4) #( #Array -5.593563532084d-7 0.99999966326329d 8.206540005894d-4) #( #Array -6.8159788963329d-4 -8.2065419121754d-4 0.99999943097535d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.024169479443479d #y: -0.010619862316821d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '23_Tube_OD' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCircle #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #mmc #controlFeature: 'Diameter For23_Tube_OD_1')) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceFrame #identifier: '23_OD_Tube' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.1016d #noneTolUpper: false) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #mmc #controlFeature: 'Diameter ForDATUM D_1')) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #nominal: #( #Point 1.1008487905479d-12 -6.219276690065d-13) #cache: #( #OMTruePositionCache) #toleranceZone: #pol2dxy #borePattern: false)) #('38_Left' ' ->' #( #OMCFDistanceRec #identifier: '38_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '38_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 33.8836d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -0.254d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.15d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'POINT -K-' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #coordB: #along #coordC: #along)) #('39 - .980 Distance' ' ->' #( #OMCFDistanceRec #identifier: '39 - .980 Distance' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #distanceCart)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'Point-K-Basic' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 24.892d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 0.127d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -0.127d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.1d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '39_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #coordB: #along #coordC: #along)) #('39_C_Datum' ' ->' #( #OMCFDistanceRec #identifier: '39_C_Datum' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '39_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 24.892d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 0.127d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -0.127d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.1d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'POINT -K-' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #coordB: #along #coordC: #along)) #('45_Right' ' ->' #( #OMCFDistanceRec #identifier: '45_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '45_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 36.2712d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -0.254d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.15d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'K1_POINT' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #coordB: #along #coordC: #along)) #('48_Left_Top' ' ->' #( #OMCFProfile #identifier: '48_Left_Top' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #gdtProfile) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementProfile #identifier: '48 FFS_Left' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #minimum #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceProfile #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: 0.0d #io: true) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #minMaxDimension #nominal: 0.0d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceB: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999993549633d 1.1252441642149d-4 -3.4109470464706d-4) #( #Array 1.1252441640808d-4 0.80370506512907d 0.59502786121671d) #( #Array 3.4109470465148d-4 -0.59502786121671d 0.8037050006254d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceC: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_C' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999992705733d 3.4109470465237d-4 -1.7187130487297d-4) #( #Array -3.4109470465242d-4 0.59502786121671d -0.8037050006254d) #( #Array -1.7187130487287d-4 0.8037050006254d 0.59502793415938d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #toleranceZone: #normal #numIter: #( #ValueHolder #value: 3) #tolZoneHasChanged: false)) #('48_Right_Top' ' ->' #( #OMCFProfile #identifier: '48_Right_Top' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementProfile #identifier: '48 FFS_Right' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #minimum #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceProfile #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: 0.0d #io: true) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #minMaxDimension #nominal: 0.0d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceB: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999993549633d 1.1252441642149d-4 -3.4109470464706d-4) #( #Array 1.1252441640808d-4 0.80370506512907d 0.59502786121671d) #( #Array 3.4109470465148d-4 -0.59502786121671d 0.8037050006254d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceC: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_C' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999992705733d 3.4109470465237d-4 -1.7187130487297d-4) #( #Array -3.4109470465242d-4 0.59502786121671d -0.8037050006254d) #( #Array -1.7187130487287d-4 0.8037050006254d 0.59502793415938d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #toleranceZone: #normal #numIter: #( #ValueHolder #value: 3) #tolZoneHasChanged: false)) #('49_Right_Bottom' ' ->' #( #OMCFProfile #identifier: '49_Right_Bottom' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #gdtProfile) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementProfile #identifier: '49 FFS_Right' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #minimum #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceProfile #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.508d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: 0.0d #io: true) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #minMaxDimension #nominal: 0.0d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceB: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999993549633d 1.1252441642149d-4 -3.4109470464706d-4) #( #Array 1.1252441640808d-4 0.80370506512907d 0.59502786121671d) #( #Array 3.4109470465148d-4 -0.59502786121671d 0.8037050006254d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceC: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_C' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999992705733d 3.4109470465237d-4 -1.7187130487297d-4) #( #Array -3.4109470465242d-4 0.59502786121671d -0.8037050006254d) #( #Array -1.7187130487287d-4 0.8037050006254d 0.59502793415938d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #toleranceZone: #normal #numIter: #( #ValueHolder #value: 3) #tolZoneHasChanged: false)) #('55_Left_Bottom' ' ->' #( #OMCFProfile #identifier: '55_Left_Bottom' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #gdtProfile) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementProfile #identifier: '55 FFS_Left' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #minimum #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceProfile #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.508d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: 0.0d #io: true) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #minMaxDimension #nominal: 0.0d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceB: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999993549633d 1.1252441642149d-4 -3.4109470464706d-4) #( #Array 1.1252441640808d-4 0.80370506512907d 0.59502786121671d) #( #Array 3.4109470465148d-4 -0.59502786121671d 0.8037050006254d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceC: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_C' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999992705733d 3.4109470465237d-4 -1.7187130487297d-4) #( #Array -3.4109470465242d-4 0.59502786121671d -0.8037050006254d) #( #Array -1.7187130487287d-4 0.8037050006254d 0.59502793415938d))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #toleranceZone: #normal #numIter: #( #ValueHolder #value: 3) #tolZoneHasChanged: false)) #('61_Left' ' ->' #( #OMCFPosition3dPol #identifier: '61_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil) #( #tempNominalReferenceSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: #base #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.9580338843692d -0.23038611444605d -0.17056762492021d) #( #Array 0.28665497797957d 0.76997687492873d 0.57005660742993d) #( #Array 0.0d -0.59502760469195d 0.80370526292576d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #tempReferenceSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: #base #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.9580338843692d -0.23038611444605d -0.17056762492021d) #( #Array 0.28665497797957d 0.76997687492873d 0.57005660742993d) #( #Array 0.0d -0.59502760469195d 0.80370526292576d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '61_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceFrame #identifier: '61_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #nominal: -35.946404698774d #cache: #( #OMTruePositionCache) #toleranceZone: #x #borePattern: false)) #('63-Right' ' ->' #( #OMCFDistanceRec #identifier: '63-Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '63_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 7.7977999999999d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -0.254d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.1d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'K1_POINT' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #coordB: #along #coordC: #along)) #('70_Right' ' ->' #( #OMCFPosition3dPol #identifier: '70_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil) #( #tempNominalReferenceSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: #base #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.9580338843692d -0.23038611444605d -0.17056762492021d) #( #Array 0.28665497797957d 0.76997687492873d 0.57005660742993d) #( #Array 0.0d -0.59502760469195d 0.80370526292576d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #( #tempReferenceSystem ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: #base #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.9580338843692d -0.23038611444605d -0.17056762492021d) #( #Array 0.28665497797957d 0.76997687492873d 0.57005660742993d) #( #Array 0.0d -0.59502760469195d 0.80370526292576d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '70_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceFrame #identifier: '70_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #nominal: 38.260621994442d #cache: #( #OMTruePositionCache) #toleranceZone: #x #borePattern: false)) #('76_M_Datum' ' ->' #( #OMCFProfile #identifier: '76_M_Datum' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bestFitText ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #gdtProfile) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementProfile #identifier: '76 FFS_Dat_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #minimum #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceProfile #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: 0.0d #io: true) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #minMaxDimension #nominal: 0.0d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #gauss #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container') #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceB: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_B' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #gauss #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #gauss #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #fixNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #referenceC: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_C' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #maximumMaterial #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #restrictionToElement: #( #OMRestrictionToElement #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #element1: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #gauss #defaultEvalType: #maximumMaterial #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #direction1: #( #Association #key: #parNv #value: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))))) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #toleranceZone: #normal #numIter: #( #ValueHolder #value: 3) #tolZoneHasChanged: false)) #('77_M_Datum' ' ->' #( #OMCFFlatness #identifier: '77_M_Datum' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #gdtFlat) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false) #( #storedLoopForReset ' ->' nil)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #minimum #defaultEvalType: #minimum #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF #mmcType: #nil)) #tolerance: #( #OMToleranceFrame #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #upperTolerance: 0.0508d #noneTolUpper: false) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'cz_fn3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #flatness3d) #projectedTolerance: #( #OMProjectedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container'))) #('88_Left' ' ->' #( #OMCFDistanceRec #identifier: '88_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '88_Point' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 9.7282000000001d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 0.254d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -0.254d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.1d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d)) #referenceA: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'K1_POINT' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #coordB: #along #coordC: #along)) #('Diameter For23_Tube_OD_1' ' ->' #( #OMCFabsolute #identifier: 'Diameter For23_Tube_OD_1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #plotActive ' ->' false) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: '23_Tube_OD' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #gauss #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCircle #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #identifier: 'Diameter For23_Tube_OD_1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 33.909d #special: #( #OMReadUserDefinedTolerance #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #upperTolerance: 25.4d #noneTolUpper: false #lowerTolerance: -25.4d #noneTolLower: false) #plusMinusDeviation: 0.15d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #symbol: #diameter)) #('Diameter ForDATUM D_1' ' ->' #( #OMCFabsolute #identifier: 'Diameter ForDATUM D_1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #plotActive ' ->' false) #( #printPlotObject ' ->' false)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #featureElement: #( #OMCfElementFE #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #gauss #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true #mmcElement: #( #OMCfElementCF)) #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #identifier: 'Diameter ForDATUM D_1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 28.956d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.1d) #plotObject: #( #OMCFPlot #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #tolerance: #( #OMReadUniToleranceLen #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #noneTolUpper: false #noneTolLower: false #quality: #fine #nominal: 0.0d #plusMinusDeviation: 0.05d) #plotData: #( #Dictionary #( #chartName ' ->' 'acis_3d.gra') #( #formplottOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations)) #( #magnificationFactor ' ->' 500) #( #tableOrder ' ->' #( #OMFormplottAssociations))) #plotType: #acisView) #symbol: #diameter)))) #constructedGeo: #( #OMListBuilder #identifier: 'cg' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #dictionary: #( #Dictionary #('4134545.001_REV D_OP 80-BS' ' ->' #( #OMDefinePCS #identifier: '4134545.001_REV D_OP 80-BS' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #cncBaseSystem ' ->' true) #( #manualBaseSystem ' ->' false)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotationSpace: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_B' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #rotationPlane: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_C' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #translationX: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'POINT -K-' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #translationY: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'POINT -K-' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #translationZ: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'POINT -K-' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #primAxis: -3 #secondAxis: 1 #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #defBaseSystem: #( #OMDefineBaseSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #newBaseSystem: true #newStartSystem: false #baseSystemToFile: false #nameOfBaseSystem: 'ug.4134545.001.0d'))) #('Alignment1' ' ->' #( #OMDefinePCS #identifier: 'Alignment1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #canRetainSecundaryAlignment ' ->' false) #( #keepCADOrigin ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMDefPCSRotation #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotation: -0.29073345613871d #axis: 3) #( #OMDefPCSRotation #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotation: 0.63729999504872d #axis: 1)) #defBaseSystem: #( #OMDefineBaseSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #newBaseSystem: false #newStartSystem: false #baseSystemToFile: false #nameOfBaseSystem: '4134545.001_REV D_OP40') #planarFunction: #distance #rotationDistance: 0.0d #rotationOriginLine: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d) #rotationIdenticalDev: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Alignment2' ' ->' #( #OMDefinePCS #identifier: 'Alignment2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #canRetainSecundaryAlignment ' ->' false) #( #keepCADOrigin ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #translationZ: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #primAxis: 3 #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMDefPCSRotation #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotation: 0.63728952307321d #axis: 1)) #defBaseSystem: #( #OMDefineBaseSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #newBaseSystem: false #newStartSystem: false #baseSystemToFile: false #nameOfBaseSystem: '4134545.001_REV D_OP40') #planarFunction: #distance #rotationDistance: 0.0d #rotationOriginLine: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d) #rotationIdenticalDev: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Alignment3' ' ->' #( #OMDefinePCS #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #canRetainSecundaryAlignment ' ->' false) #( #keepCADOrigin ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMDefPCSRotation #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotation: 0.63729999504872d #axis: 1) #( #OMDefPCSRotation #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotation: -0.29073345613871d #axis: 3)) #defBaseSystem: #( #OMDefineBaseSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #newBaseSystem: false #newStartSystem: false #baseSystemToFile: false #nameOfBaseSystem: '4134545.001_REV D_OP40') #planarFunction: #distance #rotationDistance: 0.0d #rotationOriginLine: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d) #rotationIdenticalDev: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d))) #('Alignment4' ' ->' #( #OMDefinePCS #identifier: 'Alignment4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #coordsys) #( #referenceSystem ' ->' 'Alignment2')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection) #defBaseSystem: #( #OMDefineBaseSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #newBaseSystem: false #newStartSystem: false #baseSystemToFile: false #nameOfBaseSystem: '4134545.001_REV D_OP 80_4-5-18'))) #('Geometry1' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPoint #identifier: 'Geometry1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -1.1713006720722d-26 #y: -2.4233807008389d-27 #z: 2.4868995751604d-13) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 3.4109470465254d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d #referenceAxis: -3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container')))) #('Geometry3' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPlane #identifier: 'Geometry3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #technology ' ->' #constructed)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 10.084859083441d #y: -21.363832684429d #z: 5.7439093500022d-4) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d #referenceAxis: -3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: -1.2152337867123d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container')) #ioSign: 0 #limit: #( #Point 33.782378378727d 33.033646040792d))) #('Geometry4' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPoint #identifier: 'Geometry4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary #( #technology ' ->' #constructed)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -6.4077920623818d-18 #y: 3.0594809673184d-18 #z: 5.7439093500022d-4) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d #referenceAxis: -3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container')))) #('Point1' ' ->' #( #OMGeoPoint #identifier: 'Point1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #geoCache ' ->' #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment2'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #result: #( #Dictionary) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: #( #OMDefinePCS #identifier: 'Alignment2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #canRetainSecundaryAlignment ' ->' false) #( #keepCADOrigin ' ->' false) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #translationZ: #( #OMDefineFeature #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #primAxis: 3 #specialFunctions: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMDefPCSRotation #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #rotation: 0.63728952307321d #axis: 1)) #defBaseSystem: #( #OMDefineBaseSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #newBaseSystem: false #newStartSystem: false #baseSystemToFile: false #nameOfBaseSystem: '4134545.001_REV D_OP40') #planarFunction: #distance #rotationDistance: 0.0d #rotationOriginLine: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d) #rotationIdenticalDev: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -1.1713006720722d-26 #y: 3.3123862286732d-15 #z: 4.4741462745907d-15) #normVector: #( #ProjectedDirectionVector #x: 3.4109470465254d-4 #y: -1.083422115683d-5 #z: 0.99999994176851d #referenceAxis: 3) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: -2.5252782825501d-4) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #referenceSystem: 'Alignment2')))) #('Text element' ' ->' #( #OMTextelement #identifier: 'Text element' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #textelement)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #protocolText: '')) #('Text element1' ' ->' #( #OMTextelement #identifier: 'Text element1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #textelement)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)))))) #pcs: #( #OMListBuilder #identifier: 'pcs' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #dictionary: #( #Dictionary #('23_OD_Tube' ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: '23_OD_Tube' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 1.1155802891399d-14) #( #Array 5.9421144352226d-29 1.0d -5.3264785090492d-15) #( #Array -1.1155802891399d-14 5.3264785090492d-15 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: -8.9362163343436d-27 #y: -3.7612887960938d-27 #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)) #('Alignment2' ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'Alignment2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #pcsWoSpecial ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1 0 0) #( #Array 0 1 0) #( #Array 0 0 1))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 2.4312310136428d-13) #spaceAxis: 3))) #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.80371149399619d 0.59501918827749d) #( #Array 0.0d -0.59501918827749d 0.80371149399619d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.4466291042528d-13 #z: 1.9540083102247d-13) #spaceAxis: 3))))) #measurement: #( #OMMeasurement #identifier: 'meas' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #index ' ->' nil)) #routingTable: #( #Dictionary #('def' ' ->' #measDef)) #measDef: #( #OMMeasDefinition #identifier: 'def' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #problemsList ' ->' #( #OrderedCollection)) #( #protocolDefinitionsFromPCM ' ->' #( #OMOrderedDictionary))) #routingTable: #( #Dictionary #('cfs' ' ->' #orderedCfs) #('me' ' ->' #measElements) #('pe' ' ->' #pathElements) #('sg' ' ->' #safetyGroups)) #orderedCfs: #( #OMOrderedList #identifier: 'cfs' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #collection: #( #OrderedCollection #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: 'Alignment1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: 'Alignment2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: 'Alignment3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '38_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '38_Point' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M')) #( #masked ' ->' #off)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '39 - .980 Distance' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_B' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M' '39_Point')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 353) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '45_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '45_Point' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #masked ' ->' #off)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '48_Left_Top' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_C' 'DAT_D' '48 FFS_Left' 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 374) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '48_Right_Top' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_C' 'DAT_D' '48 FFS_Right' 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 372) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '49_Right_Bottom' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_C' '49 FFS_Right' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 372) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '55_Left_Bottom' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_C' '55 FFS_Left' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 371) #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: 'Text element1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 249) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '23_OD_Tube' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '23_Tube_OD' 'DAT_D'))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 350) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '61_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '61_Point')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '63-Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '63_Point' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '70_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '70_Point')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 377) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '76_M_Datum' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_C' 'DAT_D' '76 FFS_Dat_M' 'DAT_B')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 372) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '77_M_Datum' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 383) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '88_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '88_Point' 'DAT_D' 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 379) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: '39_C_Datum' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'Point1' 'DATUM M' 'DATUM D')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #masked ' ->' #on)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 29) #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: 'Alignment4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DAT_M')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #masked ' ->' #off)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 354) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: 'Diameter ForDATUM D_1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #masked ' ->' #on)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '')) #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: 'Text element' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 257) #( #OMMControlFeature #identifier: 'Diameter For23_Tube_OD_1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List '23_Tube_OD')) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #masked ' ->' #on)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #counter: 10))) #measElements: #( #OMOrderedList #identifier: 'me' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #collection: #( #OrderedCollection #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'DAT_B' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 1) #( #actME ' ->' 'DAT_B') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #idFromCAD ' ->' 356) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' 'DAT_D') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5 Rotate') #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane1' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -11.371818365733d #y: 10.886681165002d #z: -41.642833260808d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecSafety' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 33.28416d #y: 16.38046d #z: -2.5609064998378d-5 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 26.93162d #y: 29.38272d #z: -2.5609064998378d-5 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 17.24406d #y: 32.6644d #z: -2.5609064998378d-5 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 3.52806d #y: 26.45156d #z: -2.5609064998378d-5 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d)) #actSegment: 5 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local #viewSystem: #cartesian #viewAccord: false))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'DAT_D' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 2) #( #actME ' ->' 'DAT_D') #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #idFromCAD ' ->' 444) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' 'DAT_M') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5 Rotate') #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60) #( #tangProbActive ' ->' false)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Cylinder1' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #Vector #x: 1.0173310410364d #y: 7.91385698208d #z: 11.981773898286d)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.1155802891399d-13 #y: 5.3264785090492d-14 #z: 10.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.1155802891399d-13 #y: 5.3264785090492d-14 #z: 10.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecSafety' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '3MMx50MM') #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecDisc #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecDisc' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 3151 #step: 0.030483089606166d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 7.6183538765012d #probeName: 'Down' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #measuringHeight: 22.86d #startAngle: 0.0d #angleSegment: 6.6322511575785d #numberOfPaths: 1 #measuringHeightMax: 19.508638730627d #applyRtScanning: false #coordSystem: #local #switchDisplayedNormVector: false) #( #OMTecDisc #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecDisc' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 895 #step: 0.030501113019609d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 7.6167583909304d #probeName: 'Down' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #measuringHeight: 40.3352d #startAngle: 5.4811071633106d #angleSegment: 1.8834089680571d #numberOfPaths: 1 #measuringHeightMax: 39.017277461255d #applyRtScanning: false #coordSystem: #local #switchDisplayedNormVector: false)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCylinder #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'DAT_M' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 3) #( #actME ' ->' 'DAT_M') #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #idFromCAD ' ->' 329) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' 'DAT_C') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5 Rotate') #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane2' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: 13.299312854907d #y: 8.4326584081551d #z: 14.423391740133d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecSafety' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 5.08d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '3MMx50MM') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 5.08d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecDiscOnPlane #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecDiscOnPlane' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 2161 #step: 0.060973862727177d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 15.24d #probeName: 'Down' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: #circle #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '-Z' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 48.265959003528d #y: 25.449397239968d #z: 1.1546319456102d-14 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -3.4109470426786d-4 #y: 0.5950278612165d #z: -0.80370500062555d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '-Z' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.824054049633d #y: 43.602389528934d #z: 8.3266726846887d-16 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -3.4109470249103d-4 #y: 0.59502786121667d #z: -0.80370500062543d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '-Z' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.824054049633d #y: 7.2964049510014d #z: -5.3290705182008d-15 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -3.4109470426714d-4 #y: 0.5950278612188d #z: -0.80370500062385d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74966604634195d)) #offset: 1.1244990695129d #pointsDefinition: #step #coordSystem: #local #centerPoint: #( #Vector #x: 0.86750855668812d #y: -1.2204294811826d #z: -0.90392052552033d) #startAngle: 0.0d #angleSegment: 6.2831853071796d #diameter: 41.922539938527d #switchDisplayedNormVector: false)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'POINT -K-' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 4) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5 Rotate') #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Geometry1' #technology: #( #OMGeoIntersect #identifier: 'POINT-K-Measured' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #resultGeoType: #OMGeometry #element1: #( #OMGeoIntersectionElement #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings) #skin: false) #element2: #( #OMGeoIntersectionElement #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings) #skin: false) #plcn: 1) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'DAT_C' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 5) #( #actME ' ->' 'DAT_C') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '39_Point') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane3' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -8.0816904155073d #y: -20.268929764514d #z: -13.210692276393d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecSafety' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 0.254d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1mm Long') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 0.254d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecMultiPoint' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 100 #step: 0.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 5.08d #probeName: 'Down' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #numbersOfPoints #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '-Z' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -1.8467281456935d-5 #y: -2.6574298317428d-12 #z: 0.0d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74984412860605d) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '-Z' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.227339495053d #y: -2.929212428171d-12 #z: -3.5527136788005d-15 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74984412860605d)))) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoLine #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '39_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 6) #( #actME ' ->' '39_Point') #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '48 FFS_Left') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane4' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -7.0539675543273d-4 #y: -20.194992171188d #z: -12.873393421669d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 0.508d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1mm Long') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 0.508d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: 'Down' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.6549261960819d-15 #z: 0.0d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 6.9999982850151d-4 #y: -0.29190425964515d #z: -0.95644728720471d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.74974608311807d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local #viewSystem: #cartesian #viewAccord: false))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '48 FFS_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 7) #( #actME ' ->' '48 FFS_Left') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #freeformsurfaceBestFitAccuracy ' ->' 5.0e-6) #( #freeformsurfaceEvaluationMode ' ->' 1) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' nil) #( #pathMode ' ->' #points)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'FreeformSurface1' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -35.375564335932d #y: -4.5729329497732d #z: 11.442451839981d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.5059896580425d #y: -5.5142287479118d #z: 8.2051981368869d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.5059896580425d #y: -5.5142287479118d #z: 8.2051981368869d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecSafety' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5MM x 40MM') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecMultiPoint' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 331 #step: 0.05d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 2.54d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -33.7988d #y: 0.565061d #z: 2.08378d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.14949995261854d #y: -0.55179482511804d #z: 0.82047073996579d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -34.764d #y: 0.527115d #z: 1.87999d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15366307022458d #y: -0.55038225152667d #z: 0.82065037504018d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -36.023d #y: 0.27615d #z: 1.47234d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15876103203655d #y: -0.54863611070984d #z: 0.82084916563999d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -37.4467d #y: -0.367774d #z: 0.76288d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.16393592667631d #y: -0.54684575541208d #z: 0.82102663277909d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.5' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -38.1168d #y: -1.2597d #z: 0.0347174d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.16541398144998d #y: -0.54633093873281d #z: 0.82107290792243d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.6' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -38.6818d #y: -2.65681d #z: -1.00874d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.16561596159217d #y: -0.5462608733172d #z: 0.82107880958446d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.7' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -38.3407d #y: -4.16768d #z: -1.94726d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.16167804174293d #y: -0.54762914138992d #z: 0.82095221195798d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.8' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -37.1041d #y: -3.11694d #z: -1.0047d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15797903666173d #y: -0.54890512738278d #z: 0.8208201904853d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.9' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -35.7157d #y: -1.40574d #z: 0.405346d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15468702104347d #y: -0.55003307482595d #z: 0.82069211164614d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.10' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -33.8033d #y: -0.440844d #z: 1.40608d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.14788397111346d #y: -0.55233989211008d #z: 0.82039683974985d) #coordSystem: #local)))) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local #viewSystem: #cartesian #viewAccord: false))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '48 FFS_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 8) #( #actME ' ->' '48 FFS_Right') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #freeformsurfaceBestFitAccuracy ' ->' 5.0e-6) #( #freeformsurfaceEvaluationMode ' ->' 1) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' nil) #( #pathMode ' ->' #points)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'FreeformSurface2' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: 38.028346865302d #y: -7.0796068685423d #z: 8.6950885740726d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 1.6957495859336d #y: -6.2623784708589d #z: 7.6096681418791d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 1.6957495859336d #y: -6.2623784708589d #z: 7.6096681418791d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecSafety' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5MM x 40MM') #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +X')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #identifier: 'Zeiss.CMMOS.OMTecMultiPoint' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 302 #step: 0.05d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 2.54d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.2055d #y: -0.34786d #z: 0.515072d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.16957495859336d #y: -0.62623784708589d #z: 0.76096681418791d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 37.5984d #y: -1.25255d #z: -0.549801d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.17771797176293d #y: -0.62725890033672d #z: 0.7582628795219d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 38.2127d #y: -2.09693d #z: -1.39517d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18209395160016d #y: -0.627789833136d #z: 0.75678379884992d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 38.8197d #y: -3.16957d #z: -2.43442d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18684100865251d #y: -0.62835002909858d #z: 0.75516003497108d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.5' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 38.6194d #y: -4.3426d #z: -3.36113d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18795297643211d #y: -0.62847992119334d #z: 0.75477590535677d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.6' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 38.131d #y: -5.48256d #z: -4.18873d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18764506182108d #y: -0.62844420704569d #z: 0.75488224870166d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.7' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 37.4916d #y: -6.50116d #z: -4.87799d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18641098827615d #y: -0.62829996048465d #z: 0.7553079524968d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.8' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.4198d #y: -6.75708d #z: -4.8296d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18179894492565d #y: -0.62775480982736d #z: 0.75688377070891d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.9' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.8549d #y: -5.13917d #z: -3.59232d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.18101795877805d #y: -0.6276608570672d #z: 0.75714882757982d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.10' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.8709d #y: -3.07093d #z: -1.88351d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.17747106093408d #y: -0.62722921535699d #z: 0.75834526037524d) #coordSystem: #local)))) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local #viewSystem: #cartesian))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '76 FFS_Dat_M' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 9) #( #actME ' ->' '76 FFS_Dat_M') #( #freeformsurfaceEvaluationMode ' ->' 1) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '38_Point') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'FreeformSurface4' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -21.777533397893d #y: -11.25931593625d #z: 5.0482802070557d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0034109497200381d #y: -5.9502795116166d #z: 8.0370493403399d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0034109497200381d #y: -5.9502795116166d #z: 8.0370493403399d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5MM x 40MM') #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 3760 #step: 0.0508d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 7.62d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -21.7812d #y: -4.86306d #z: -3.59115d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -21.792835605784d #y: -1.0844779274623d #z: -0.79365085497039d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -20.447887332897d #y: 2.5373504825139d #z: 1.8872209276757d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -19.102939060009d #y: 6.1591788924904d #z: 4.5680927103219d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -17.757990787122d #y: 9.7810073024666d #z: 7.248964492968d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -16.413042514234d #y: 13.402835712443d #z: 9.9298362756141d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -13.5449d #y: 16.6543d #z: 12.3359d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -9.3119916942092d #y: 19.64448808455d #z: 14.547867677326d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -10.656939967097d #y: 16.022659674573d #z: 11.86699589468d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -12.001888239984d #y: 12.400831264597d #z: 9.1861241120336d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -13.346836512871d #y: 8.7790028546209d #z: 6.5052523293875d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -15.3947d #y: 5.97148d #z: 4.42755d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -16.6486d #y: 1.99603d #z: 1.48484d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -17.381681331534d #y: -2.0864823753081d #z: -1.5373630185509d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -18.726629604421d #y: -5.7083107852845d #z: -4.2182348011971d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -19.047d #y: -9.09537d #z: -6.72573d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -17.04306677202d #y: -14.055481120954d #z: -10.398827384977d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -15.7053d #y: -11.5129d #z: -8.51699d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -14.2315d #y: -9.07834d #z: -6.71517d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -11.8182d #y: -11.9408d #z: -8.83541d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -12.63191249777d #y: -15.0574855688d #z: -11.142539548558d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -13.3512d #y: -17.5528d #z: -12.9896d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -8.2584531195944d #y: -16.160999084517d #z: -11.961388567045d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -3.8472988453441d #y: -17.163003532363d #z: -12.705100730626d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 0.52616053283135d #y: -18.26651704808d #z: -13.523949749114d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 5.20451d #y: -18.5753d #z: -13.7546d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 6.2822630799693d #y: -15.64669308595d #z: -11.586790130048d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 10.655722458145d #y: -16.750206601667d #z: -12.405639148536d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 12.000670731032d #y: -13.128378191691d #z: -9.7247673658899d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 13.8175d #y: -9.58431d #z: -7.10167d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.048d #y: -6.14791d #z: -4.55845d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.9842d #y: -2.43908d #z: -1.81299d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 17.380463822582d #y: 1.3589354482145d #z: 0.99871976469462d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 18.0183d #y: 5.23283d #z: 3.86651d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 20.070360368357d #y: 8.6025922681672d #z: 6.3604633299869d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 21.1997d #y: 3.97572d #z: 2.93445d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 21.791618096832d #y: 0.35693100036881d #z: 0.25500760111411d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 20.446669823945d #y: -3.2648974096076d #z: -2.4258641815321d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 19.101721551057d #y: -6.8867258195839d #z: -5.1067359641782d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 17.75677327817d #y: -10.50855422956d #z: -7.7876077468243d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.411825005282d #y: -14.130382639537d #z: -10.46847952947d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 15.066876732395d #y: -17.752211049513d #z: -13.149351312117d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local))) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 1166 #step: 0.0508d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 7.62d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 14.7862d #y: 7.41336d #z: 5.48225d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 15.696900990181d #y: 9.7061057838843d #z: 7.1793123484746d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 16.3741d #y: 13.2971d #z: 9.83762d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 13.8271d #y: 16.3083d #z: 12.0681d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 12.630694988818d #y: 14.329938641706d #z: 10.603896294701d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 10.81d #y: 12.5937d #z: 9.31922d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109497200381d-4 #y: -0.59502795116166d #z: 0.80370493403399d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 8.2572356106425d #y: 15.433452157424d #z: 11.422745313189d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 9.6021838835299d #y: 19.0552805674d #z: 14.103617095835d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 5.1910296092796d #y: 20.057285015246d #z: 14.847329259416d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 3.8460813363922d #y: 16.435456605269d #z: 12.16645747677d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -0.52737804178321d #y: 17.538970120987d #z: 12.985306495258d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 0.81757023110417d #y: 21.160798530963d #z: 15.666178277904d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -3.5935840431464d #y: 22.162802978809d #z: 16.409890441484d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -4.9385323160338d #y: 18.540974568833d #z: 13.729018658838d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -6.2834805889212d #y: 14.919146158856d #z: 11.048146876192d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 3.4109470464511d-4 #y: -0.59502786121671d #z: 0.8037050006254d) #coordSystem: #local)))) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '38_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 10) #( #actME ' ->' '38_Point') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '45_Point') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane5' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -35.423441110572d #y: -6.0582167967139d #z: -4.0912031351106d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5MM x 40MM') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 180.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -6.3948846218409d-14 #y: 2.3980817331903d-14 #z: 6.3948846218409d-14 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.85218526021045d #y: 0.29620490151769d #z: 0.43132695092811d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.75029114408291d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local #viewSystem: #cartesian #viewAccord: false))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '45_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 11) #( #actME ' ->' '45_Point') #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '49 FFS_Right') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane6' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: 33.35239386226d #y: -5.5972140472105d #z: -6.4152416704502d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5MM x 40MM') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Z')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '1' #probe: 1 #angleA: 180.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 5.2402526762307d-14 #y: 1.4210854715202d-14 #z: 2.1955770534987d-12 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.95804605819499d #y: -0.23037212153413d #z: -0.17051813978843d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.75029114408291d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '49 FFS_Right' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 12) #( #actME ' ->' '49 FFS_Right') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #freeformsurfaceEvaluationMode ' ->' 1) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '23_Tube_OD') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'FreeformSurface3' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: 20.789636333283d #y: -1.2020885603623d #z: -16.731798034745d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.5393998630696d #y: 6.2414894448164d #z: -7.6598993186482d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.5393998630696d #y: 6.2414894448164d #z: -7.6598993186482d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 948 #step: 0.0508d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 2.032d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 22.4444d #y: -7.91132d #z: -8.49786d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 22.8749d #y: -6.76696d #z: -7.65192d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 23.3054d #y: -5.62261d #z: -6.80598d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 23.7358d #y: -4.47826d #z: -5.96004d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 24.1663d #y: -3.33391d #z: -5.1141d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 24.5591d #y: -2.17487d #z: -4.24861d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 24.9895d #y: -1.03051d #z: -3.40267d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 25.42d #y: 0.113838d #z: -2.55673d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 25.8505d #y: 1.25819d #z: -1.7108d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 26.2809d #y: 2.40254d #z: -0.864858d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 26.6426d #y: 3.42791d #z: -0.102049d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 28.0916d #y: 3.35936d #z: -0.449106d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 27.6611d #y: 2.21501d #z: -1.29504d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 27.2671d #y: 1.08564d #z: -2.13609d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 29.0791d #y: 2.01278d #z: -1.74479d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 29.5095d #y: 3.15713d #z: -0.898847d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 30.8898d #y: 2.9696d #z: -1.32903d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 30.4593d #y: 1.82525d #z: -2.17497d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 31.8772d #y: 1.62302d #z: -2.62471d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 32.2713d #y: 2.75239d #z: -1.78367d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 33.6879d #y: 2.57984d #z: -2.20896d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 33.2574d #y: 1.43549d #z: -3.0549d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 34.6754d #y: 1.23326d #z: -3.50464d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 35.0694d #y: 2.36263d #z: -2.66359d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.486d #y: 2.19008d #z: -3.08889d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.0556d #y: 1.04573d #z: -3.93483d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 37.7393d #y: 1.52717d #z: -3.88092d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 37.7009d #y: -0.0905274d #z: -5.19134d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 37.4307d #y: -1.50137d #z: -6.28664d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 37.2631d #y: -2.7189d #z: -7.24502d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.8717d #y: -3.90762d #z: -8.13496d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.2619d #y: -5.18623d #z: -9.05425d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.15393998630696d #y: 0.62414894448164d #z: -0.76598993186482d) #coordSystem: #local)))) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '23_Tube_OD' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 13) #( #actME ' ->' '23_Tube_OD') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '55 FFS_Left') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '1.5 Rotate')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Cylinder3' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #Vector #x: 22.703907651744d #y: -7.5924638816308d-13 #z: -26.7382d)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -2.8004797052863d-14 #y: 5.8711473321566d-14 #z: 10.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -2.8004797052863d-14 #y: 5.8711473321566d-14 #z: 10.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecDisc #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 397 #step: 0.127d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 2.54d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #measuringHeight: -0.63333846616903d #startAngle: 0.087266462599716d #angleSegment: 2.9670597283904d #numberOfPaths: 1 #applyRtScanning: false #coordSystem: #local #switchDisplayedNormVector: false)) #actSegment: 2 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoCircle #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '55 FFS_Left' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 14) #( #actME ' ->' '55 FFS_Left') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #freeformsurfaceEvaluationMode ' ->' 1) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '61_Point') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'FreeformSurface7' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -36.741109440518d #y: 3.546518594609d #z: -14.866740713511d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 1.2836898591882d #y: 5.5878693870499d #z: -8.1931591012678d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 1.2836898591882d #y: 5.5878693870499d #z: -8.1931591012678d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecMultiPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #countOfMeasPoints: 945 #step: 0.0508d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 2.032d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #mode: #step #virtualSurface: #( #OMVirtualSurfaceMeasurement #'container$' 'container' #active: false) #travelPath: #default #generateSingleLines: false #vertices: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -38.121d #y: -2.46011d #z: -6.05958d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -37.595419704617d #y: -1.4166409192101d #z: -5.2655624191998d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -37.06761005177d #y: 0.0047044472632827d #z: -4.2134847791068d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.4' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -36.539800398922d #y: 1.4260498137367d #z: -3.1614071390139d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.5' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -36.011990746075d #y: 2.8473951802101d #z: -2.109329498921d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.6' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -35.1318d #y: 3.7387d #z: -1.36353d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.7' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -33.8541d #y: 3.61478d #z: -1.24786d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.8' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -34.430895057511d #y: 2.3576929870791d #z: -2.1955909004321d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.9' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -32.864593075043d #y: 1.8281526335487d #z: -2.3113404466035d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.10' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -32.336783422195d #y: 3.2494980000221d #z: -1.2592628065106d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.11' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -30.755687733632d #y: 2.7597958068912d #z: -1.3455242080217d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.12' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -31.283497386479d #y: 1.3384504404178d #z: -2.3976018481147d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.13' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -29.717195404011d #y: 0.80891008688734d #z: -2.5133513942861d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.14' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -29.189385751163d #y: 2.2302554533607d #z: -1.4612737541931d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.15' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -27.4136d #y: 2.5747d #z: -0.948135d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.16' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -27.6082900626d #y: 1.7405532602298d #z: -1.5475351557043d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.17' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -28.136099715447d #y: 0.31920789375642d #z: -2.5996127957972d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.18' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -26.569797732979d #y: -0.21033245977402d #z: -2.7153623419686d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.19' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -26.041988080131d #y: 1.2110129066994d #z: -1.6632847018757d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836914976452d #y: 0.55878704140412d #z: -0.8193158144132d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.20' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -25.1298d #y: 2.53631d #z: -0.616496d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.21' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -22.6425d #y: 3.2029d #z: 0.227851d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.22' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -23.0224d #y: 2.92355d #z: -0.022205d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.23' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -23.5411d #y: 1.756d #z: -0.899765d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.24' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -24.2254d #y: 0.350979d #z: -1.96523d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.25' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -24.6131d #y: -1.04925d #z: -2.98095d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.26' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -24.7067d #y: -2.5547d #z: -4.02235d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.27' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -25.035d #y: -3.98964d #z: -5.05245d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.28' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -25.5611d #y: -5.48722d #z: -6.15625d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local) #( #OMTecPoint #identifier: '1.29' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -26.2385d #y: -6.8967d #z: -7.22366d #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.12836898591882d #y: 0.55878693870499d #z: -0.81931591012678d) #coordSystem: #local)))) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local #viewSystem: #cartesian #viewAccord: false))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoFreeformSurface #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings #( #restr ' ->' #( #OMRestrictMode #collection: #( #Array 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'K1_POINT' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 15) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Point1' #technology: #( #OMGeoIntersect #identifier: 'POINT K1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #resultGeoType: #OMGeometry #element1: #( #OMGeoIntersectionElement #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings) #skin: false) #element2: #( #OMGeoIntersectionElement #identifier: 'DAT_M' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings) #skin: false) #plcn: 1) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '61_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 16) #( #actME ' ->' '61_Point') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '70_Point') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane10' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -35.377781726025d #y: 2.6968489350826d #z: -3.2382342797663d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 8.8817841970013d-15 #y: -5.7731597280508d-14 #z: 3.5527136788005d-14 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -0.82159678625662d #y: 0.41928398609917d #z: 0.38623782804586d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.7502224572478d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '70_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 17) #( #actME ' ->' '70_Point') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '88_Point') #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane11' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: 36.307947991753d #y: -1.068595543096d #z: -7.0988614329337d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #backawayDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #rtPosition ' ->' nil) #( #safetyDistance ' ->' 1.27d) #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP +Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '4' #probe: 4 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: -2.0428103653103d-14 #y: -1.7763568394003d-14 #z: 1.4210854715202d-14 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.86847082509635d #y: -0.14224927135755d #z: -0.47489322037138d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.7502224572478d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '88_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 18) #( #actME ' ->' '88_Point') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' '63_Point') #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane7' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: -33.245654597875d #y: -8.7739583066818d #z: -7.3523064579429d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.4332748898958d #y: -3.8498843746443d #z: -2.8502830371498d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.4332748898958d #y: -3.8498843746443d #z: -2.8502830371498d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP -Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '2' #probe: 2 #angleA: 180.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 2.3803181647963d-13 #y: -8.5931262105987d-14 #z: 5.8619775700208d-14 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.49534288615448d #y: 0.18762364370402d #z: 0.84819384191314d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.75029114408291d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: '63_Point' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 19) #( #actME ' ->' '63_Point') #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List)) #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #keyForLabel ' ->' #doNotChangeMyLabel) #( #measuringForce ' ->' 100) #( #modifiedPoints ' ->' false) #( #nextME ' ->' nil) #( #pathMode ' ->' #points) #( #probingDynamic ' ->' 12.5) #( #spacePointMode ' ->' #touchPoint) #( #speedInMms ' ->' 60)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Plane8' #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #firstPosCache ' ->' #( #CylindricalVector #x: 28.717529091496d #y: -8.5775199139111d #z: -8.0317268361201d #referenceAxis: -3)) #( #firstPosStep ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.4332748898958d #y: -3.8498843746443d #z: -2.8502830371498d)) #( #firstPosStepValue ' ->' #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: -1.4332748898958d #y: -3.8498843746443d #z: -2.8502830371498d))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafety #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #probeConfiguration ' ->' '2_4 Star') #( #safetyGroup ' ->' 'SP -Y')) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #safetyVector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d)) #( #OMTecPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '2' #probe: 2 #angleA: 180.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 7.8159700933611d-14 #y: -1.0014211682119d-13 #z: -2.3092638912203d-14 #referenceAxis: 3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.49534288615448d #y: 0.18762364370402d #z: 0.84819384191314d) #coordSystem: #local #probeRadius: 0.75029114408291d)) #actSegment: 0 #actSafety: 1 #viewMode: #local))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoSpacePoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'Plane-B-Offset-1.510' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 20)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Geometry3' #technology: #( #OMGeoVectorOffset #identifier: 'Plane-B-Offset-1.510' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #resultGeoType: #OMGeometry #element1: #( #OMGeoLinkElement #identifier: 'DAT_B' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings)) #offset: -38.354d) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPlane #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'Point-K-Basic' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #absoluteIndex ' ->' 21)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #referencedGeometry: 'Geometry4' #technology: #( #OMGeoIntersect #identifier: 'Point-K-Basic' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #resultGeoType: #OMGeometry #element1: #( #OMGeoIntersectionElement #identifier: 'Plane-B-Offset-1.510' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings) #skin: false) #element2: #( #OMGeoIntersectionElement #identifier: 'DAT_D' #'container$' 'container' #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #referencedPoint: #elementOrigin #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #geoIsActual: true #modes: #( #OMSettings)) #plcn: 1) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoPoint #dofType: #allFree #modes: #( #OMSettings) #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***'))) #safetyGroups: #( #OMListBuilder #identifier: 'sg' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #dictionary: #( #Dictionary #('GRP -X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP -X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -X' #parentGroup: 'SP -X' #parentGroupName: 'SP -X' #retreat: false)) #('GRP -Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP -Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Y' #parentGroup: 'SP -Y' #parentGroupName: 'SP -Y' #retreat: false)) #('GRP -Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP -Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Z' #parentGroup: 'SP -Z' #parentGroupName: 'SP -Z' #retreat: false)) #('GRP +X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP +X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +X' #parentGroup: 'SP +X' #parentGroupName: 'SP +X' #retreat: false)) #('GRP +Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP +Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Y' #parentGroup: 'SP +Y' #parentGroupName: 'SP +Y' #retreat: false)) #('GRP +Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP +Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Z' #parentGroup: 'SP +Z' #parentGroupName: 'SP +Z' #retreat: false)) #('GRP 2+Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP 2+Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster GRP 2+Z' #parentGroup: 'SP +Z' #parentGroupName: 'SP +Z' #retreat: false)) #('GRP 3+Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'GRP 3+Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster GRP 3+Z' #parentGroup: 'SP +Z' #parentGroupName: 'SP +Z' #retreat: false)) #('RTG -X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTG -X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -X' #parentGroup: 'SP -X' #parentGroupName: 'SP -X' #retreat: false)) #('RTG -Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTG -Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Y' #parentGroup: 'SP -Y' #parentGroupName: 'SP -Y' #retreat: false)) #('RTG -Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTG -Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Z' #parentGroup: 'SP -Z' #parentGroupName: 'SP -Z' #retreat: false)) #('RTG +X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTG +X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +X' #parentGroup: 'SP +X' #parentGroupName: 'SP +X' #retreat: false)) #('RTG +Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTG +Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Y' #parentGroup: 'SP +Y' #parentGroupName: 'SP +Y' #retreat: false)) #('RTG +Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTG +Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Z' #parentGroup: 'SP +Z' #parentGroupName: 'SP +Z' #retreat: false)) #('RTSP -X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTSP -X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -X' #retreat: true)) #('RTSP -Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTSP -Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Y' #retreat: true)) #('RTSP -Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTSP -Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Z' #retreat: true)) #('RTSP +X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTSP +X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +X' #retreat: true)) #('RTSP +Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTSP +Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Y' #retreat: true)) #('RTSP +Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusRtGroup #identifier: 'RTSP +Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Z' #retreat: true)) #('SP -X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SP -X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: -45.72d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -X' #retreat: true)) #('SP -Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SP -Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: -35.032864222363d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Y' #retreat: true)) #('SP -Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SP -Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -40.64d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Z' #retreat: true)) #('SP +X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SP +X' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 45.72d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +X' #retreat: true)) #('SP +Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SP +Y' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 35.74038251645d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Y' #retreat: true)) #('SP +Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SP +Z' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 31.75d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Z' #retreat: true)) #('SPMK -X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SPMK -X' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: -1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -X' #retreat: true)) #('SPMK -Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SPMK -Y' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: -1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Y' #retreat: true)) #('SPMK -Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SPMK -Z' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: -1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster -Z' #retreat: true)) #('SPMK +X' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SPMK +X' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 1.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +X' #retreat: true)) #('SPMK +Y' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SPMK +Y' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 1.0d #z: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Y' #retreat: true)) #('SPMK +Z' ' ->' #( #OMFocusGroup #identifier: 'SPMK +Z' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #safetyPlane: #( #OMGeoPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0 #y: 0 #z: 0) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array true true)) #ioSign: 1 #limit: #( #Point 0.0d 0.0d)) #probeName: 'Taster +Z' #retreat: true)))) #runs: #( #Dictionary #( #actual ' ->' #( #OMMeasRun #identifier: #actual #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #cfList ' ->' #( #List '48_Left_Top')) #( #selectionChanged ' ->' false)))) #( #prepare ' ->' #( #OMMeasRun #identifier: #prepare #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #routingTable: #( #Dictionary #('cfs' ' ->' #orderedCfs)) #orderedCfs: #( #OMOrderedList #identifier: 'cfs' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #collection: #( #OrderedCollection #( #OMMGeoLinks #identifier: '4134545.001_REV D_OP 80-BS' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #allMERefRef ' ->' #( #List 'DATUM B' 'DATUM M' 'DATUM C' 'DATUM D')) #( #loop ' ->' #( #OMLoopHolder #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #isRunningOrComputing ' ->' false)) #recalculate: false #dict: #( #Dictionary #( #breakCondition ' ->' 'baseSystem().valueA<0.005'))) #collection: #( #OrderedCollection #( #OMSingleLoop #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #loopByPattern ' ->' false)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary) #parameters: '') #start: 1 #end: 10 #step: 1)) #bracket: $< "16r003C" #breakCondition: true #loopParameter: #( #OMLoopParameter #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #addIndexToActual: true #measureAgain: true #transformAll: true) #finishLoop: false))) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #counter: 827))))) #( #prepareMan ' ->' #( #OMMeasRun #identifier: #prepareMan #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #routingTable: #( #Dictionary #('cfs' ' ->' #orderedCfs)) #orderedCfs: #( #OMOrderedList #identifier: 'cfs' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #collection: #( #OrderedCollection))))) #pathElements: #( #OMOrderedList #identifier: 'pe' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #collection: #( #OrderedCollection #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'Path CNC End Park Position' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #default ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #pathType ' ->' #parkingPosition)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true) #geometry: #( #OMGeoDrivingPath #identifier: 'Path1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bowDrivingMode ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #evaluation ' ->' #OMGeoDrivingPath)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array false false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafetyPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #aSafetyPlaneName: 'SP +Z' #autoPathMode: true) #( #OMTecPosPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '-Z' #probe: 1 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #status: #finished #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 13.650671080059d #y: 204.15672091154d #z: 74.090504859779d #referenceAxis: -3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #global #angleC: 0.0d)) #actSegment: 2 #actSafety: 1))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoDrivingPath #dofType: #allFree #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'Path CNC End Park Position 1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #default ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #pathType ' ->' #parkingPosition)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true) #geometry: #( #OMGeoDrivingPath #identifier: 'Path1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bowDrivingMode ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #evaluation ' ->' #OMGeoDrivingPath)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array false false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafetyPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #aSafetyPlaneName: 'SP +Z' #autoPathMode: true) #( #OMTecPosPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '2' #probe: 2 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #status: #finished #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 2.8244040904014d #y: 130.0451754666d #z: 74.061448047588d #referenceAxis: -3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #global #angleC: 0.0d)) #actSegment: 2 #actSafety: 1))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoDrivingPath #dofType: #allFree #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'Path CNC End Park Position 2' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #default ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #pathType ' ->' #parkingPosition)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true) #geometry: #( #OMGeoDrivingPath #identifier: 'Path1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bowDrivingMode ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #evaluation ' ->' #OMGeoDrivingPath)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array false false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafetyPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #aSafetyPlaneName: 'SP +Z' #autoPathMode: true) #( #OMTecPosPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '2' #probe: 2 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #status: #finished #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 2.8963016906036d #y: 130.04403338489d #z: 162.33228525979d #referenceAxis: -3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #global #angleC: 0.0d)) #actSegment: 2 #actSafety: 1))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoDrivingPath #dofType: #allFree #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***') #( #OMMGeometry #identifier: 'Path CNC End Park Position 3' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #columns ' ->' nil) #( #default ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #pathType ' ->' #parkingPosition)) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #recalculate: true) #geometry: #( #OMGeoDrivingPath #identifier: 'Path1' #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bowDrivingMode ' ->' true) #( #drivingPath ' ->' true) #( #evaluation ' ->' #OMGeoDrivingPath)) #location: #( #OMGeoLocation #'container$' 'container' #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #uAxis: #( #OMuAxis #'container$' 'container' #angle: 0.0d) #status: 0 #flags: #( #Array false false) #cache: #( #OMGeoCache #'container$' 'container' #localPCS: #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' nil #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 1.0d 0.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 1.0d 0.0d) #( #Array 0.0d 0.0d 1.0d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #spaceAxis: 3)))) #technology: #( #Dictionary #('***' ' ->' #( #OMTecMeasPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true) #segments: #( #OMSOrderedCollection #( #OMTecSafetyPlane #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #aSafetyPlaneName: 'SP +Z' #autoPathMode: true) #( #OMTecPosPath #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #settings: #( #OMSettings) #step: 2.0d #actualReception: 1 #speed: 3.0d #probeName: '2' #probe: 2 #angleA: 0.0d #angleB: 0.0d #calculateSpeed: false #calculateStep: false #status: #finished #travelPath: #default #vector: #( #CylindricalVector #x: 1.7296852812d #y: 91.19427972939d #z: 149.53186061912d #referenceAxis: -3) #normVector: #( #DirectionVector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 1.0d) #coordSystem: #global #angleC: 0.0d)) #actSegment: 2 #actSafety: 1))) #evaluation: #( #OMDefineFeature #'container$' 'container' #evalType: #default #defaultEvalType: #gauss #nominalInsteadActual: false #referencedPoint: #( #OMReferencedPoint #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #coordSystem: #elementSystem) #evaluation: #OMGeoDrivingPath #dofType: #allFree #probeCorrection: true) #projection: #( #OMMProjection #'container$' 'container' #reference: #( #OMNoReference #'container$' 'container') #measure: #( #OMNoProjection #'container$' 'container')) #defaultTechnology: '***'))) #rackAssignment: #( #OMParameterizedRackAssignment #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #active: false #assignmentName: ''))) #baseSystem: #( #OMRotaryTableSystem #'container$' nil #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #rtAxisRotates ' ->' false)) #rotaryAngle: 0.0d #pcs: #( #OMWPSystem #identifier: 'ug.4134545.001.0d' #comment: '' #'container$' nil #settings: #( #OMSettings #( #bsManOrCnc ' ->' #cnc) #( #newBaseSystem ' ->' true) #( #pcsWoSpecial ' ->' #( #OMWPSystem #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99999999419265d -9.7074363997711d-5 4.6810931442514d-5) #( #Array 9.706992703269d-5 0.9999999907973d 9.4777763577877d-5) #( #Array -4.6820131502848d-5 -9.477321909377d-5 0.99999999441296d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 2.0079064452502d-4 #y: -3.2836054452349d-4 #z: 2.8175941217274d-4) #spaceAxis: -3))) #matrix: #( #RotaryMatrix #rows: #( #Array #( #Array 0.99986620050507d -0.016278944650842d 0.0016053188477472d) #( #Array 0.016278810965336d 0.99986748673921d 9.6308688811112d-5) #( #Array -0.0016066739255266d -7.0163120695624d-5 0.99999870683718d))) #vector: #( #Vector #x: 81.327158227477d #y: -178.41605468233d #z: -409.67762962963d) #spaceAxis: -3) #scaling: #( #OMShrinkSystem #shrinkCenter: #( #Vector #x: 0.0d #y: 0.0d #z: 0.0d) #shrinkFactor: #( #ScaledDirectionVector #x: 1.0d #y: 1.0d #z: 1.0d) #scalingFactor: 1.0d #switchAxis: #( #Vector #x: 1 #y: 2 #z: 3)) #rtAxisIsValid: false) #temperatureSensor: #( #OMTemperatureModel #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary))) #userDic: #( #Dictionary #( #aname ' ->' 'Tube Augmentor Pilot') #( #changedate ' ->' 'May 22, 2020 5:40:22 pm') #( #changeoper ' ->' 'Master') #( #changeswi ' ->' '6.4.20') #( #changeTimestamp ' ->' '3767622022') #( #changeTimestampOld ' ->' '3767622022') #( #creationdate ' ->' 'December 28, 2017 2:27:32 pm') #( #creationdme ' ->' 'ACCURA_2') #( #creationswi ' ->' '6.2.08') #( #creationTimestamp ' ->' '3691924052') #( #date ' ->' '2020-5-22') #( #dateandtime ' ->' 'May 22, 2020 5:39:11 pm') #( #datedayofmonth ' ->' '22') #( #datemonthindex ' ->' '5') #( #datesecondclock ' ->' '3767636351') #( #datestring ' ->' 'May 22, 2020') #( #dateyear ' ->' '2020') #( #dmeid ' ->' 'DURAMAX') #( #dmesn ' ->' '143053') #( #mccplanversion ' ->' '') #( #nameOfFile ' ->' 'v:\DuraMax\Pratt & Whitney\4134545 -- Short Tube Augmentor --\008 Rev-D for part-4134545 op-210') #( #operid ' ->' 'User') #( #order ' ->' 'S/O 60393') #( #partnbinc ' ->' 'OP-210 60393-02') #( #partnbLong ' ->' 'CMM #008 4134545 Rev D') #( #partnbpre ' ->' 'OP-210 60393-03') #( #planid ' ->' '008 Rev-D for part-4134545 op-210') #( #produceoper ' ->' 'Master') #( #time ' ->' '5:39:11 pm') #( #u_field1 ' ->' 'David Boggs') #( #u_Part_Number ' ->' '4134545 Op-210 Final Inspection')) #cache: #( #Dictionary #( #isNominal ' ->' false)) #rotaryTableDefinition: #( #OMDefineRotaryTable #comment: '' #'container$' 'container' #definitions: #( #OMParameters #'container$' 'container' #recalculate: true #dict: #( #Dictionary)) #resultGeoType: #OMGeometry #rtActivated: false #rtAxisSelection: #load #storeToFile: true #rotateBaseSystemToMachineSystem: false #rotateReference: false #retractMode: #setting #retractToActualSide: true #retractToCorner: false #retractToTop: false #roundCenteredPart: false #newRtValue: 0 #defaultAxisValidation: true #passiveRt: false #angleAfterRtRef: 0) #activeTechnology: '***' #strategies: #( #OMOrderedCollection '***') #showTechnology: '***')