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Master Probe Qualification


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I while back I posed an option about Master Probe qualification.
In order to save time I proposed an option to qualify the Master Probe and have all the other Styli remain qualified to the Master Sphere location without having to re-qualify all styli.

I was informed there is an option (Yes/No) in the Stylus system, Stylus Management menu under Reference sphere management.
Stylus system
...Stylus Management
......Reference sphere management
............Update stylus data (Yes/No option)

If set to Yes, this would require all styli to be re-qualified if the master Probe was qualified which redefines the Master Sphere Location (via "Ref. sphere position" button).
If set to No, all qualified styli would remain qualified to the Master Probe after defining the new location of the Master Sphere.

I'm not sure where this post went, but there doesn't seem to be anything earlier than 2018 in any of the forums including the archive.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Hi Rick,

Sorry to dig up the old thread, but did you get any clarification on this setting?
I just got an additional sphere and got to this setting and remembered this question.

Wojciech Malig
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