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Recall Points in a Range using a Parameter


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I need to find a way to measure this contour dimension... 🤣 5164_3dd92f0ec3380f8f3d25db766a3b7d39.jpg
The actual contour is quite less forgiving... 😮 5164_9662f49cedde6764c20683d6717cd643.jpg
This contour dimension falls within a cylindrical feature with a toleranced diameter. What I think I want to do is to evaluate the curve data to calculate the length of the section of points falling within a certain Y-axis location (cylinder radius). The Y-axis locations are the horizontal distances in the picture provided. Not sure if I should parameterize the recall range from a box or use a function to recall all points within a specified distance. I'm not sure how to go about doing either of these.
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Hi Clarke, thanks for the input! I don't believe this will work due to the variation of the curve from the actual geometry. I need to be able to reliably say what the length of the section is where the diameter (Y-axis point locations) is within the specified limits. I'm not sure how to do it but I need to search for the first point that falls within the specified y-axis location and the continue up/down the curve until the specified Y-axis value is no longer within tolerance and then report the distance between the two points.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for contacting CIC with this question. What I think you are trying to measure can be achieved with an intersection construction. Create a theoretical plane tangent to the cylinder surface at the specified limit ("t" in your image). Then the intersection construction between the curve feature and the theoretical plane should return two results. The distance between result 1 and result 2 should be the dimension you are concerned with.

This method depends entirely on where you place the theoretical plane, so which y-value (cylinder radius) is considered the limit. If the cylinder is not your primary base alignment feature, then you can improve this method slightly by parameterizing the y value of the plane so that it moves if the cylinder moves. That is, set it to [getActual("Central Cylinder").y - t] to always be t away from the cylinder axis.
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I think that this would could be best measured on a contour tracer, which can be also a nightmare, due to the subtle transition between features and if the parts are not produced repeatably.
Can this feature be inspected as "Pass/Fail"?
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I've attempted creating intersection features using the 3D curve to theoretical plane and 3D curve to theoretical cylinder. These intersections do not reliably return the value I would expect. For example, the construction points do not correlate to the intersection points found when looking at the curve point actuals. To clarify further, the two "z" values (parallel to dimension in question) representing the first and second intersection found when manually looking at the actual "x" locations of the curve points do not correlate with what the intersection construction point "z" values. So, there appears to be a problem with the way the intersection is handled with the curve feature. I have yet to try a 2D curve feature intersection. It appears this will be the next test. I am using Calypso 2016 (Version 6.2.20).
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Originally, I wanted to use the box selection method to isolate the points that fall within a specified zone and I think I'm leaning in this direction if I can't get the intersection construction to work.

Thank you Tom for the great video on YouTube describing how to do box selection. Also, additional post on curve topic was helpful.

YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDnvcBvC970&t=241s
Curve intersection post: viewtopic.php?t=2144
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