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Calypso 2021: Can't Reference Master Sphere or qualify Master Stylus.


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I'm not sure what happened or when/how it happened but I cant Reference the Master Sphere and or Qualify the Master Stylus.

File: Qualification error -SDO Message -1215.JPG
After initial Ref. sphere position.

File: Qualification error -SDO Message -1215 (2).JPG
Shown in 8 decimal places, yet FAILS.

File: Qualification error -SDO Message -1215 (3).JPG
Shown in 8 decimal places (same as above) with Limits dialog box shown.

File: 8 decimal places (inch).JPG
Last attempt, dramatic change in sigma values.

Any assistance is appreciated.

Qualification error -SDO Message -1215.JPGQualification error -SDO Message -1215 (3).JPGQualification error -SDO Message -1215 (2).JPG8 decimal places (inch).JPG

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I changed the adaptor plate and managed to get the Master Sphere referenced. Although the sigma is high at 0.00029540 (Inch), it should be about 0.000002xxx, which is what it usually comes out to.

I am now performing a Fitting position. Then I will re-reference the Master Sphere.
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Why are my Sigma's for the Master Probe and the Master Sphere all of a sudden, 100% identical on every attempt?
Considering its an SDO error, I'm beginning to think it has to do with an SDO database.
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Is this an XXT?

When we start getting this error, that is not fixed by thorough cleaning and controller reboot, it's pointed to a loose, or damaged XXT head.
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Yes XXT.
As the stylus is contacting the Sphere (trigger) I can see times when the duration of some points are taking longer than normal, it is noticeable by eye.

I cant get past the Master Probe and the Master Sphere having identical sigma's... 👩‍🏫

Typical.JPGNot typical.JPG

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(I am now on v7.2.08)

The left side of the dialog box is the Stylus
The right side is the Master Sphere.
In the attached image, there are clearly two separate Sigma's. This is what i typically have seen.

And this brings me closer to what is wrong and why I am getting the SDO 1215 error.
The Sigma Limit for Inch Mode = 0.0003937
The Sigma Limit for Metric Mode = 0.0100000
It appears when I, at some point, switched from Metric to Inch the Sigma Limit remained at: 0.0100000
Then when I switched back to Metric (I do this all day depending on the B/P) the Sigma Limit became: 0.00000016
Nothing was going to pass Qualification. 🙄

I have Programs that I call Templates.
Inch Mode at 4 places, Inch Mode at 6 places and Metric Mode at 5 places.

Open a preferred template, Save As, Create Program....Wash - Rinse - Repeat....


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I created a "new machine" to fix ours one time.

So I'm wondering "How'd you rebuilt the database?"
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