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Model stuff help


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So I programmed a bunch of space points on a model, then used the previous guys alignment on the part. OOPS he failed to translate all the way, so my Z axis is off .010. so i translated the .010 out and made a new point. checks great. so I ran the program again and all the Z points are still out. I know there is a way to " re-associate" the points to the model, but I don't remember. Any help would be welcome , Thanks.
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I have used CAD Model Comparison. Just make sure it highlights the right feature before letting Calypso fix it.

If Calypso highlights the wrong feature I use two options. Move the feature. Or extract a new feature and copy from that to the old.
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If you are wanting to move the points to the model, and all the points need to move a specific amount, in a specific direction, you can create an alignment, and selecting special, you can set the offset amount to translate in X, Y, and Z. Then, find a feature that needs to move, double click to open it, under alignment, click the "keep position" check box, and with the box checked, select the new created alignment. This will move the feature the amount of the offsets in the created alignment.

If you want to move the rest of the features at once, highlight the feature you just translated, and select the paint tool. now select all the rest of the features that also need to translate. Select the Alignment check box, and make sure the "keep position" is checked. This will translate all the features selected when you click, "OK". You will want to change the alignment back to Base Alignment, but make sure the "keep position" is not checked this time. Start with the first one, and set it to the base alignment, next use the paint tool to do all of them at once as described above, and make sure the "keep position" is NOT marked.

Note: This assumes that all features are aligned to the base alignment. If features are using a different alignment, I find it easiest to change them all to base alignment, move them, and then re-select them to whichever alignment you had them assigned.
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