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Alignment issue


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I haven't had to do this kind of alignment in years. I have a part that has the Z zero location buried in a fixture and completely un-accessible. I am trying to align a model , using another plane. but each time I try , I get alignment not possible.
How do you handle this situation ?
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Another option would be to create a program to measure a base alignment on the fixture with no part. Do a manual alignment, followed by a cnc alignment.

In the BA window of your part program, select Load Base Alignment and select the fixture alignment(cnc) from above. Then, create a secondary alignment for the part origin (minus the Spatial and Z origin) and use this alignment for all of your part features.

I'm thinking this thru in my head so I'm not sure if I've missed anything.
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Anymore I just make a Base Alignment to the part. Calypso has gotten confused when CMM +Z and BA +Z are not the same.

Then a secondary alignment for part print coordinates.
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