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Scanning plane strategy from measured profile


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I have to scan plane flatness and top of plane is only 0,5mm wide square top. Part is plastic so, it's warped a bit and I can't just scan it with a line. Instead I would like to scan it with 3d curve which I have recalled from 2d line.

So in the photo I have to scan the narrow top area of part with 3Dcurve shown in cyan color. How is this possible?

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If you recalled measured points from scanned element, then your nominals in 3d curve are from measured points and not from strategy.
Make copy of element - then recall from it ( so it loses measured data ) - then you can recall points from original element.
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Sorry, there is some misunderstanding. I want to get plane measuring strategy to use 3Dcurve measured points. So that when I'm scanning top of the part the probe goes along with 3d curve. Does this make sense?
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So just measure 3d curve and recall measured points into plane without recalucating geometry.

There is another way to this, but it's hard to explain.
In plane strategy you can create touch points, polylines and grouped points. In grouped points you can select points from line on model - this can be selected line on model or existing curve showing on model.
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I measure the 3D curve from side (in xy axis) and the plane in z axis. So recalling measured points will not work.
Grouped points option would be best, but my recalled 3d curve shows up only when I select that element in which case I can't set plane strategy to 3D curve. I would need to convert 3D-curve to something that is showing all the time.
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I highly doubt, that every part will have same deviation. What about taking about 5 - 8 points on side ( like your 3d curve ) and in plane strategy you make polyline where you place formula for XY coordinates from measured points on side + something to make it far from edge? This can make it work for different deviated parts. Just switch from element coord. to base coord.
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