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I am making a program and trying to create K chart for profile but unfortunately actual tracing line of profile not coming under tolerances of K chart. it is getting offset. I am also attaching image. Can you please help me how to adjust it? Thanks

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Just replied to another post following yours :


Let me know if that helps. I cant make out the line very clear, but it appears your top -0- REF Line is not straight and has no room to pass through the "neck" of the K or the "v" area. Some drawing are like this and are called "X" band rather than "K" band, however there should be 'some' room to pass through. Although I've seen a time or two where the Engineer has put is 0.000 or something ridiculous like 0.000030"in. They changed it when I made them aware of it.

Good luck and happy gearing!
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  • 6 months later...
Thanks for helping but I was thinking to put 0.000003in. lol. so what do u suggest what value should I put instead of 0.000003inch?? Thanks in advance
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Again, it is tough to make out what are the actual K band lines on your chart, can you share a picture of the K chart only from the drawing ?

If in fact the nominal K chart has 0 room to pass through in the middle of the involute - you may have to set the 'diagram alignment' (essentially where gear pro will align the actual trace to the top line of the K chart) to this specific area. However - if this is actually absolute 0 nominally, then there is still a good chance the trace will kick out either towards the TIF or TIP. If you cant share BP drawing, maybe share the K-chart points only from Gear Pro as entered from nominal data, etc.

Again if the neck area of the K chart is nominally 0 - I would get Engineering to allow .00004" - .0001" minimum to allow pass through, etc.

Good luck, keep us posted.
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