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GOM Volume Inspect: Error GAPP-0013 when importing CT .DCM stack


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I'm receiving this error when importing a CT .DCM stack. Not sure what "Cannot find the required DICOM tag "(0008,0060) Modality"" means.

Can't find a forum post on it, any ideas?


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DICOM files contain very different types of data and we try to ensure that the data within the DICOM file is indeed from a CT. This information is contained in the modality tag, which is a mandatory description tag for the two DICOM storage classes that we support "CT Image Storage" and "Enhanced CT Image Storage". So, it seems that the files that you try to import are not meeting the standards of the DICOM documentation, which we have already seen a couple of time. We will discuss internally on how strictly we want to check this in the future.

For now, you can try to convert the DICOM files to raw files that only contain the image data. There is a description for this at https://connect.gom.com/display/GKB/Use+of+medical+Computer+Tomography 



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