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Exporting coordinate points and large data set


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I am new to GOM Correlate and looking to export some Epsilon Y strain data for a deformation series with coordinate points. I have 400 images and would like 1000 deviation labels spaced evenly along the flat subject . I then want to export the epsilon y data point and strain value for each image which gives, 754 data points over 400 images. I am currently using the diagram "export diagram" function on GOM Correlate but it only displays about 150 points.  I can use the export table contents to export the deviation label data for all images at all deviation labels but this does not provide an (X,Y) coordinate of each deviation label. Any suggestions?

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Hi Luke,

The export of the table content is limited as you mentioned in your question. Nevertheless, you mixing up a few things and i guess it's easier to clarify this before going deeper into the export topic.

You are talking about deviation labels. Deviation labels are labels which are set on a surface inspection to receive a scalar value of exact this local point. So you don't have any coordinate information of this point only a discrete value of the colored visualization. So this label is linked to the inspection and can't give you any further information.  

In general, if you export the table content, you will always receive a list of pairs of the x-value and the corresponded y-value.  

If you would like to receive coordinate information and the inspection info such as strain of a specific local point, you have to construct a point → construct → point → point.
Afterwards, you have to inspect them. Now the inspection is also shown in the table and in the 3D area as well. To export them with coordinate information go to the CSV-export. File → Export → stage file → CSV 

During or before the dialog select the inspection you would like to export and you will receive a csv file with the coordinate information of the point and the value of the inspection. 

I hope this answers your question.

Greetings, Ivan 

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