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Calypso software losing probes


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We have an Eclipse CMM that we are having a problem with the software keeping probes in the manual probe window. When I select "pick up stylus system," There is usually only 1 probe listed, and none of the probes I have in my automatic stylus system change menu. It shows all the probes in this menu, but I'm not able to manually select them. This usually happens when the software is closed and restarted. Anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening, and what the fix might be?
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Based on the description, it sounds like ID chip recognition is turned on, I would try turning it off and see if that results in the behavior you expect.

The setting can be found by going through EXTRAS->SETTINGS->CMM->PROBE, it is on the left hand side of the window about halfway down, you would want this setting unchecked based on your description

Alternately, it can be accessed through the automatic stylus change window, via the "ID CHIP SETTINGS" button in the bottom left. Here there is a checkbox labelled "Activate ID chip recognition", that based on your description you would want unchecked.

Either option works to disable this. Additionally, you could have ID chip recognition active (assuming your cmm, firmware, calypso version, and probehead support it), and use the TEACH IN mode to teach the correct ID of each probe, at which point the manual pickup window should automatically recognize the probe, and make the correct one the only available selection.

I hope this helps.
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Thanks Kevin, there was 1 probe that had the ID chip recognition turned on, but all the others did not. Hopefully turning it off, will resolve the issue.
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