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Total Run/Uptime Tracking


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I was asked by our operations manager if there was a way to see total runtime/uptime for the CMM? I know you can track via each program but I need total for all.
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I'm pretty sure that CMM observer (First link) will give you what you are looking for.
The second link is a PCM option.


Found this on the portal as well.

it’s already made automatic by Calypso, you have all the info in:
open it with excel and you have all you need there..

the only limitation is that if you close the Calypso monitor you don’t have any record.
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You can request to use the Smart Services. There is a bunch of different information, like CMM computer temperature, soft/hard collisions (which you can setup to email you if you wanted), CMM usage, hours the CMM has been in production, CMM travel in each axis, etc. You will get a daily overview of the percentage the CMM usage for the last 7 days, etc. This is free, you just have to sign up for it. There is a upgraded version you can pay for, which allows you to customize a bunch of things, one in particular, you can set up shifts, and monitor what the usage is between shifts.
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We use Smart Services on 3 CMM's. Pretty useful. Tells use run time, machine utilization and soft/hard collisions.
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