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Calypso Bug? Using Cylinder features with "Circle Path (3 Sections)"


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I have tested this and proven it to be true.
When I create a cylinder with standard 3 section scans and only 180° of the cylinder, the third scan will crash into the part.
This has high potential to damage styli, sensors and parts.
Attached is a video of the incident (repeatable, that's how I made the video) and a screen shot of the cylinder data.
This is when creating a cylinder while probing the part, I have not tested CAD creation or manual (typed input) creation.
I have also not tested this on more than 3 section scans.
Cylinders with 2 section circle scans appear to function normally.

When you probe a part manually and create a cylinder Calypso automatically places a three section circle scan at full 360°.
I break them up into three scans each (assuming X+ and X- axis) as shown in my video and images.
Deleting the automatic circle scans and creating single circle scans resolves the issue.
It is not uncommon for me to scan one side of a cylinder then change to the opposing side and finish scanning.
I've never ran into this in the past.

Unfortunately I am not allowed to upload the video.
PM me with an email address if interested in the video.

Calypso Bug Cylinder 3 scans 180°.JPG

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6.6.28 and I have this problem. The only way I've prevented it is:
scan sections less than 178°
break up scan paths

It is taking the shortest path which is a coin toss at 180°
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Exactly. Make your angle less that 180 degrees and it works fine. Or put in some move points if you want to scan more than 180 degrees on each side for overlap if you're recalling into another feature.
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Actually I think it is a feature. Not the crashing part but the behavior.
When moving from one point to another in a circular feature it will move the shortest way around the feature. So if it measures the first section from 0°-179.999° it will retract from the last point and move back to 0,000°. However if it measures the first section from 0°-180,001 it will retract and move from 180.001° to 360,000° and therefor crash into the part.
I wouldn't classify this as a bug but rather an unwanted side effect of a feature.
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Well in another software pc something... the default behavior is to scan 0-180, then the next path 180-0, and the following 0-180. It IS the shortest most efficient path without crashing.
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Pretty neat feature. Would you mind suggesting it? I think they would implement something like that pretty easily.
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