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Self Center Probing Issue


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I have a program that i've been running on our Contura for 5+ years that takes a self centering point on a .5mm diameter hole in the Z- direction . For some reason all of a sudden the probe approaches in Z- but when it engages for the self center probing its travelling in the Y- direction. It continues to travel until it meets resistance on the wall of a counterbore. This gives me a false location of the .5mm diameter. Again, this is a program that we've ran for years.

Does anyone have any idea what might be the issue?
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I assume the circle or cylinder for the hole is in the program. Change the Angle Representation.
Resources-Feature Representation-Angle-change to vector.

The point vector should be the negative of that.
+X to -X
-X to +X
+Y to -Y
and so on.
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