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How to use Dialog Button


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I don't understand how to use a simple button dialog. I want that, on clicking on it, it open a pdf file. This is the code I used:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gom

DIALOG=gom.script.sys.create_user_defined_dialog (content='<dialog>' \
' <title>Message</title>' \
' <style></style>' \
' <control id="OkCancel"/>' \
' <position>automatic</position>' \
' <embedding>always_toplevel</embedding>' \
' <sizemode>automatic</sizemode>' \
' <size height="110" width="198"/>' \
' <content columns="1" rows="1">' \
'  <widget row="0" columnspan="1" rowspan="1" type="button::pushbutton" column="0">' \
'   <name>button</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <text>Button</text>' \
'   <type>push</type>' \
'   <icon_type>none</icon_type>' \
'   <icon_size>icon</icon_size>' \
'   <icon_system_type>ok</icon_system_type>' \
'   <icon_system_size>default</icon_system_size>' \
'  </widget>' \
' </content>' \

# Event handler function called if anything happens inside of the dialog
def dialog_event_handler (widget):

DIALOG.handler = dialog_event_handler

RESULT=gom.script.sys.show_user_defined_dialog (dialog=DIALOG)

print (DIALOG.button.value)

if DIALOG.button.value==True:

The print (DIALOG.button.value) tell me "false" even if I clicked on it. Why? And is it possible to click only on the button to open the pdf without click on "OK"?


Thank you very much.

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Check this:


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gom
DIALOG=gom.script.sys.create_user_defined_dialog (content='<dialog>' \
' <title>Buongiorno</title>' \
' <style></style>' \
' <control id="OkCancel"/>' \
' <position></position>' \
' <embedding></embedding>' \
' <sizemode></sizemode>' \
' <size width="236" height="131"/>' \
' <content columns="1" rows="1">' \
'  <widget columnspan="1" row="0" type="button::pushbutton" rowspan="1" column="0">' \
'   <name>BTN_OPEN</name>' \
'   <tooltip></tooltip>' \
'   <text>click me</text>' \
'   <type>push</type>' \
'   <icon_type>none</icon_type>' \
'   <icon_size>icon</icon_size>' \
'   <icon_system_type>ok</icon_system_type>' \
'   <icon_system_size>default</icon_system_size>' \
'  </widget>' \
' </content>' \

# Event handler function called if anything happens inside of the dialog
def dialog_event_handler (widget):
	if widget == DIALOG.BTN_OPEN:
		print("You clicked me")
		print("put here Your open file procedure")

DIALOG.handler = dialog_event_handler

RESULT=gom.script.sys.show_user_defined_dialog (dialog=DIALOG)


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