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select by value on mesh


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I want to select the part of mesh which is outside CAD. I find the function 'select by value ' can select the part of surface comparison which deviation is more than zero,but this function is not able to select mesh.

Dose have any way able to select mesh by value?

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this is not possible at the moment but I will record this as a wish. Out of interest: what do you want to achieve with the selection?


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Hello Nanno:

Thanks for your reply .

The final goal is to automatically identify areas beyond CAD and generate reports .I try to achieve this function using surface defect classification and python script .But this component is so large (5m length measuring via SB8160 with MV500 lens) that software need more than half hour to calculate surface defect classification . So we want to only select mesh areas beyond CAD  to reduce the computation 。



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Hi Wenjie,

on development side, we would like to understand why it is taking that long, and see if we can optimize it.

What do you mean with "areas beyond CAD"? Areas out of tolerance on a surface comparison?
Do you create the classification on the surface comparison or on a surface defect element comparison?

If possible you could contact support to give further details and maybe a sample project.


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