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Surface area from multiple curves


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Hi all. I'm trying to join 24 curves that were measured in 2 patterns of 12 each. It's an interrupted surface that I need to connect one inner lobe to the next outer lobe ( see photo). I recalled all the points into a 2d curve and did a surface area calculation but its no where near what it's supposed to be. I don't think it's joining the curves in the proper sequence. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.


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If it's in a same height and vectors are in same plane, then you can make curve, add all points to it - then you will have one curve joined. If results will be strange, just mask start end points at each "segment" joinment. 3D curve would be worse for this i think.
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If it's true what Clarke says, then ask some engineer to make whole curve into model for you.
When you'll create one curve with just this points, then you will have bad spline ( because of missing points between real curves ) and it will give you bad results.
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You might be able to switch to wireframe and select the very top wire all the way around the part, create the 3d curve, and
move it in neg Z enough that you could then scan the entire part continuously. Provided the vertical walls stay exactly perpendicular to the top edge, below to the point you moved the curve, (to ensure the vectors stay the same), make sense?
If those Z vertical walls bow in or out then, no you can't move the curve.
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