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manual alignment


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We got a program from a customer. When I go to do a manual alignment, I probe everything that's written in the base alignment. The rotation,planar,X,Y, and Z orgin. But after those features are probed it asked me to probe a cylinder before I can run the program. The cylinder is no where found in the base alignment. Am I missing something here. Why is asking me to probe the cylinder. Any ideas.

Thanks in advance
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Its possible one of the base alignment features is using a formula that references that cylinder.
It should automatically scan that cylinder though after you probe your base alignment features.

Maybe try taking a screenshot of the base alignment window and then of the features list to see what is going on.
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I would start with left clicking on the feature to highlight it, then right clicking and selecting "Check use of selected feature". If you see one of your base alignment features in the window that comes up, it is likely using the cylinder in a formula or a prerequisite alignment.
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Or even better, if your part is square to your machine axis...set a manual 3 point start alignment, then let the software figure out what all is in the base alignment for you!
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