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Lately we have been getting this message(see attachment) when the operators in one certain cell and on one certain CMM. It is a message regarding "protocol" I believe. I've seen it in the past but it is getting more and more frequent. You have to click "Yes" for the CMM to continue its run. So this causes wasted time if the operator in the cell is not paying attention. It say that something is being used somewhere else and that it must be closed in order to continue basically. I used to think it had something to do with all the CMM programs in the shop being saved on a network drive and that the company specific pdf format is being recognized in other folders by Calypso. It might be IT related. I know they changed certain things about the security recently, but then again I have seen in the past, just not so often. I saw it happen to two different programs yesterday. It only seems to be on this one CMM.

What are the communities thoughts on this?


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Someone else has the same program open somewhere else, you may also find that after it finishes it will tell you certain features didn't run and ask if you want to run them now. I am guessing you are on a network. I have had this same problem as well. You need to find out who has the program open and get them to close it or save it as a slightly different name.
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it doesn't have to be a CMM, if an engineer is looking at the program or if someone opened it on another CMM just to look at the program it will do this. I had an experience where an operator opened the wrong program and then left it open on his CMM while it was running on another. I found the problem and shut down the program that was not being used. If anyone anywhere has it open for whatever reason it can cause this problem.
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That is understandable and appreciate the comment. This issue is different. Engineers don't look at the programs here. They don't have access to Calypso. I'm the only one that would be able to look at the program on my offline seat. The CMM's here use AutoRun so they aren't opening programs and leaving them open in the window.

This is what makes this some confusing to me. My guess is that its something that IT did recently to this specific PC. They like to load all kinds of security and restrictions to their PC's. Just yesterday I made a change to a program and got a message that the CMM program was "Write protected" See attached, I took a picture of it.


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OK. 1 last guess, it could also be someone opened the file that it writes to. As for the other I would check the user permissions and see if those got changed, if not you need to let IT know they are preventing you from being able to do your job. Good Luck!
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Please update with your findings... IT wants to network our computers, and issues like this are *exactly* what my main concerns are.
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Go to Extras - Settings - Environment - Paths and set the data to store locally.
By default Calypso is read/writing to the Measurement Plan folder as you run the program (geoActuals, and temp file). If you are running on a server, I do not recommend keeping it set to where it behaves the way. As you can see you will run into errors like yours, as well as it's potential to run into crashes. It's also slower to run the measurement plan this way.
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For the most part its fine. I came into this job with all the CMM programs on a network drive. Its convenient when doing offline programming, and being able to open the programs at my desk instead of going out to one of the CMM's.

Where I run into issues is the security IT puts on the PC's. We have government contracts so we have added security. Working on a program at this one PC has given me some kick back.
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