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Circle path line..


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Hello all,
I already broke two legs of them (Star styli small , please see attached) i have left (-Y4) and (+X3) . since two of them are broken i changed circle path line ( shorter circle path line please see attached yellow circle path line). It says "Not enough points available for the feature calculation" ) If it is longer circle path line , it would crash and break.
My second plany is to use T-styil small probe(Item no. 626103-0030-216)

do you guys have any good idea?

Thank you

circle path..JPG

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Outlier elimination and filtering might be removing too many or all your scanned points on such small path.
Use single probing points instead of scanning.

I would suggest using smaller T-probe if available as it would allow your points to be wide enough to provide a stable plane feature.
Currently your points from small circle paths only provide stability in one direction.

If changing to T-probe is inconvenient, then instead of plane feature, use point feature.
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Hi Andrew,
Please don't take this personally. My recommendation is you get some Calypso training asap. You're going to see a quick return on that investment, IMO. Broken probes and time trying to learn stuff on the fly is going to hinder your progress. I'm all for learning in the field, but I think you really need some basic knowledge of the workings of Calypso.

As far as checking undercuts, I would consider getting a disc probe. You can check the undercuts in 1 path without having to change styli with the right disc size. The trick to disc probes is calibrating them. Star and L probes will work fine, but it's more programming and styli/angle changes.

Again, just trying to help.
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I assumed, incorrectly, that you wanted to check the diameter. You can check the plane as Jayesh posted. You may also be able to check it from the outside, using an angled probe to take individual points around the plane and recalling them into a plane feature.
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You can check the undercuts in 1 path????? how do i check because it is "circle" path i only can adjust "start angle" and "Angle Range"

And i already took basic Calpyso plus i'm the only one i can use Calpyso at work. I'm the first person to start Calpyso.
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I was referring to the undercut diameter, not the sides. That would also depend on the disc sizes available.

Is there anybody in your area you can turn to as a mentor and spend time at the machine with? Learning on your own can be really tough, especially in the beginning stages. I feel for you. I really do. I commend you for trying to learn this program on your own. This program STILL drives me nuts at times, and I've been programming CMM's for quite awhile now. If I were to mentor you I would suggest you learn everything you can about navigating the machine while collecting data first. The GD&T and theoretical stuff will come with time.

Things like CMM Position points really help with navigating tight spaces like this undercut. L shaped probes are great accessing more area inside of tight spaces because they're generally smaller and can scan a larger area, but you need to exit and enter more to rotate the probe and/or use position points inside the bore carefully. Stars can get in there and measure without as much navigation, but they're larger and take up more space.

Hang in there!
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Not everybody has them but, a rotary table would make it easy.
The reality is that if you are only able to scan 5° of a circle with each probe, you're only going to get 20° of surface coverage to begin with and just 4 single points spaced every 90° should be sufficient to check the 0.604 location, parallelism and perpendicularity if needed, especially if the tolerance is not very tight.
If you are adamant about scanning the shoulder, you definitely need to record more than 5 points (hundreds of points would be better) for the filters to work and your speed should be extremely slow (.050 if in inch).
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Regarding the undercut diameter, itpstyli will make custom styli for this application.
I've used them many times. Their not cheap, but well made.
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If you cannot get the disk, you could try using longer Z- probe that's angled. If you have an RDS XXT CMM then it should be easy to do. You can also build something similar using a knuckle but you'll need to build one in every direction.

Or what you're doing also works but you need to do point in each direction of the star probe instead of trying to scan.

Z- probe angled..png

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