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Temperature sensor issue


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Accura-II machine with calypso 6.8. temperature sensor stopped work suddenly today. see attached screen shot pic. any help would be great appreciated. 677_ca7c8be00519e0b787bb2627bcff5f80.png
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Based on what I see in the screenshot, it appears that the temp comp feature is using a Temperature Probe (as opposed to the magnetic leads plugged into the CMM). A couple of things to try-first, make sure the Temperature Probe is in the head and recognized when you open the temperature feature, otherwise Calypso will throw that error because it doesn't see the Temperature sensor. If the Temperature Probe is in the head and recognized, but you still get this error, the next steps would be to carefully clean the contacts on top of the probe plate (lint free cloth, isopropyl alcohol), and to make sure that the Temperature probe hasnt come loose(there is a collar near the probe plate) . After doing those things, try picking the probe up into the head again and reopening the feature. If none of that worked and you are still getting the error, then you probably will need to get Zeiss involved.
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Thank you Kevin.
we are using temperature probe. I tried another temperature probe from another machine. same error pop up.
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That is a great way to troubleshoot. That being the case it may have something to do with the probehead, I would recommend contacting Zeiss.
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