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Creating diameter from section cone, plane


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Hope someone can help me here. I can't find a way to determine a diameter created from an intersection from a cone with a plane. 

I am sure there must be an easy way, but I can' t find it.

cone plane.PNG

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Hello Bram,

there is an intersection ellipse cone/plane in the construction menu. Another approach is to construct an intersection curve from geometrical elements -> RMB on curve -> select all points of element -> create fitting circle -> referenced construction.


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  • 5 months later...

[Edit previous post sorry 😬]


That helped me a lot too, thank!

0.001 mm difference between two methods.

Have you a method to make intersection between two cones please ?

Best regards.


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Hi Gouret,

there is an intersection curve, which will work for cones:


The elements have to intersect though, so you might have to edit the size in the properties. Depending on your inspection you could also use a cylinder/cone based section (https://techguide.gom.com/en/gom-software-2022/article/cmd_section_create_multiple_cylinder_based_section.html).


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