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Move Probe At Start to a Machine Coordinate


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I'm looking to see if there's a way to have the probe move to a certain point that's relative only to the CMM coordinates and not the base alignment at the start of the program. We have a part that is a long cylinder essentially and they line up currently on a keyway. Over time they can slowly move it so far that it can cause an issue with out of volume on the Machine (Big part, Small Machine) during rotation of the stylus. Hopefully this makes sense and please let me know if I need to explain it better.
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You can create a secondary alignment and in the drop down menu for alignment use "CMM system/alignment" option instead of "Base alignment", leave all fields empty. Creating any feature referencing this secondary alignment will give you that feature in CMM co-ordinates.

If you are not using manual alignment every time. Then, another solution to this without involving machine co-ordinate is that you use <program name> alignment instead of <program name> (CNC) alignment and use a "position point without probing" followed "programmable stop in the strategy of your first base feature. That way alignment will always use the last manual run position and the position point will not move as it does when using CNC alignment.
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