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make a gom script run automatically


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Hello everyone,

I want to create a gom script which should be automatically run when opening a specific project file. In another way of saying, opening that specific file should trigger the running of the script. Is there a way to do that?

Many thanks,


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Hi Canset, 

You could use a Windows Shortcut to start a script which opens the specific project and runs your Script... if this could be a solution. 



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Hi Michael,

Many thanks for the quick response. How can i create the windows shortcut to start gom inspect externally?



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Hi Canset,

just use a windows shortcut to your start_gom.exe and give them the aditional parameters  atos -eval plus the script path like "gom.script.userscript.scriptfolder__script()"

should look like this f.e. "C:\Program Files\GOM\2021\bin\start_gom.exe" atos -eval "gom.script.userscript.scriptfolder__script()"

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Hi Michael,

Many thanks, it works. I have one last question. This start shortcut start_gom.exe only applies for GOM Inspect Pro, right? Is there a way to open blade inspect pro ? 

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Hello cansetm,

try adding this for Blade Inspect Pro:

-license gom-inspection-pro,blade,gom-advanced-blade-inspection




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Hi, I have the same need with Blade Inspect Pro 2021, I tried this way but it doesn't work:

"C:\Program Files\GOM\2021\bin\GOMSoftware.exe" atos,gom-inspection-pro,blade,gom-advanced-blade-inspection -eval 'gom.script.userscript.test ()'

Blade Inspect Pro 2021 starts but the script does not run.





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Hi Antonio,

I think the correct path is missing. It should read:

"C:\Program Files\GOM\2021\bin\start_gom.exe" atos -eval "gom.script.userscript.scriptfolder__script()"

For the Kiosk it is ""C:\Program Files\Zeiss\INSPECT\2023\bin\ZEISS_INSPECT.exe" -kiosk -fullscreen -eval gom.script.userscript.KioskInterface__Start()"" for example.


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thanks for the reply, but unfortunately the path was correct, here are some screenshots:




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Hi Antonio, I think the problem lies in the choice of quotation marks.

Does not work: 'gom.script.userscript.test()'
Should work: "gom.script.userscript.test()" or simply gom.script.userscript.test()


Please also use -license in front of your license selection on the command line.

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thanks, the problem has been solved!

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