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Measuring Ramp Profile


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Hey everyone,

How would you guys measure these features? I do not have a CAD Model. Also, I do not have PCM and Curve. I am trying to come up with a strategy on how to measure these. I do have some idea, but any help or input would help.

Datum -A- is the diameter, Datum -B- is the outside slot feature, and Datum -C- is a plane.

Thanks everyone.

Ramp 2.pngRamp 1.png

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I would create Alignments for each section you are going to measure.
I see about 7 alignments at a glance.
With each alignment probe space points for surfaces and scan the radii.
If any feature in the zones stipulated fail, the profile fails.
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Here is my take. No CAD is... painful.

I wish the angles were basic. Then I would use space point features set to cylindrical in a BC alignment. I would take points at the specified angles. That is not technically correct, but working with what you have.

As is the measurements are at the Outside Diameter. So that view is the cam profile laid flat. So every intersection will need to be projected to that diameter. I would still use features set to cylindrical in a BC alignment.

Good luck.
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Hi Adrian,
Based on the 2 views I'm not seeing enough information to define the nominals of the profile. It shows dimensions to itself, but where is it in relationship to the rest of the part? Without that info you're dead in the water, IMO. Unless there's information that I'm not seeing. \

On a tangent, I'd do everything I could to either model it up if you have the information or get somebody to. The time it's going to take to manually drive the machine to measure the features, and then fix all the nominals will take quite a bit of time. You'd need all that info to create a model anyway, and the model is going to be a huge timesaver.

Hope all is well, brother!
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