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Offline Seat for Sale


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I have an 1.5 year old HP 17" laptop loaded with Calypso 6.4 and 6.8. Purchased directly from Zeiss. Paid $13,995.00, asking $7,000.00. It includes Simulation and probe builder. I also added Windows Office myself.

I have been a Calypso user since 1992, working first for GM and then for American Axle & Mfg. I retired in 2019 and started my own company, hence the tek/inspect EM address. I re-entered this group recently, trying to sell my offline seat. This computer is very lightly used. It was only utilized for business purposes and runs like brand new. It seems I get more work designing CMM fixtures on NX, so I am deciding to just discontinue the Calypso side of my business.

Please contact me at tekinspect2020@gmail.com if interested. Also feel free to pass this post on to anyone who may be interested. Thanks.
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