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Assuming your points are in the same plane feature you can copy and paste your Clearance Data between each probing point.
This will travel outside of your clearance cube between each point. 1917_a46944c6a81c1455b9c282eab95f1739.jpg
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I almost always set my clearance distances to ZERO.
The only time i set my clearance distances is when im diving into a #2 threaded hole, the clearance distance of .05 inch kinda "Slows the head down" before going into the hole, and it gives me an added sense of security in not breaking a probe should a hole be missing or out of place.
I would not suggest setting retract to .001
In this case i would do as Marc showed, go to clearance between scan paths.

Im going to AssUMe you have your clearance cube set correctly.
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I am going to assume that you made some sort of a poly line on that face.
The easier way is to use a circle path on the face. Select the face on your model and in strategy choose circle path. It will show a yellow circle on the model. Open the circle path strategy and set the circle center to X-0, and Y-0. Now Right click on the yellow Circle path and Hold the button down, You can now drag the circles diameter to land in the center area of the flange on the part. Don't worry if it "falls off" in areas , We can fix that. Now on the strategy page you want to set the "angle range" to something less than 90 degrees, Try 60 degrees to start. You'll notice the yellow circle path gets real short. One end has an X the other end has an arrow head. Now lets Change the "start angle" (the X end) By let's say 15 degrees. The circle section moves around the part but its length stays the same. So change the start and range numbers until you are checking one quadrant of the face and you're not falling off anywhere.
Now you can copy the first circle path and paste it in the same strategy. You will change the start angle to pick up the next section.
IF the sections are symmetrical around the part you can just add 90 to the start angle and it will offset 90 (copy and paste and add 90 two more times for 4 symmetrical lands, Add 180 and get 2 lands and so on) the machine will travel between lands in a circular motion, avoiding the diameter in the center with no additional clearance moves needed.

Kind of a long explanation, but once you do it a couple of times it will seem EASY !
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If you use single points then there is a "Special Settings" tab in the strategy, Click on that and select "Fixed path". It will again travel in a circular path between points avoiding a boss in the center !
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