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Beep, beep beep


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Hi Clarke,
Sounds like the setting in the jogbox got changed. There should be a menu item for sound on the jogbox with different settings for how many beeps it does.
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I've experienced that. If I remember correctly, I crashed and did a soft reset on the joystick box. After that, every time I probed something I would get the beep and immediately followed by two more beeps but they sounded different. I had to shut the CMM down and restart it for it to go away. Not sure if were are talking about the same thing but these are my 2 cents.
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I remember mysteriously hearing an Active scanning XT head beep 2 two times upon each touch before and a restart resolved it.
3 beeps though? - take two aspirin and call me in the morning. 🤣
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I've noticed that after I use ctrl-shift F10 to run the warm-up program, I start getting 2 different tones when probing. Goes away after re-starting. But I agree with Robert's post regarding a modification made to the settings in the joystick controller box.
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