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Order within division


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There is the possibility of indicating to the software that within the division it first does all the elements and then repeats them in a block.

Now the sequence repeats each item as many times and then goes on to the next item.

💡 I would like to repeat the whole group at once.

Greetings and thank you very much.


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You might be able to achieve this by using formulas which contain 'zeroed' references.to the other features.
Unfortunately I currently have no time to test it, so my suggestion may as well be complete garbage....

The idea is to insert a formula e.g. the X nominal, containing the nominal value and adding a reference to another feature, which is multiplied by zero. This way you create a dependency between the two features, forcing Calypso to measure the other element first before going to the next one. You can include the loop counter LOOP1 like in normal loops.

You have CircleA and CircleB in the group The nominal of Circle B's X is 15.000
You could put a formula in X of CircleB like this:
15.000 + (getActual("CircleA",LOOP1).x * 0)
This would reference CircleA of the current loop, so Calypso has to measure this first, but because the result is multiplied by 0 it doesn't really add anything to CircleB's nominal.

I hope I make any sense.
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Is possible with the CNC run "according to inspection feature list".
Group inspection characteristics and loop on the group.
Remove the loop from the individual test characteristics.655_2574c07608456bbd31949893ac7c8c8f.jpg
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