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Perp of .000 at MMC


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I have a part with an OD slot, that has a .000 Perp at MMC.

How can I put this in a Perp. Characteristic? I'm struggling with this, and maybe the solution is right in front of me, any suggestions would be appreciated.

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If you have curve you could scan the slot and use (assuming this work-piece is in the XY work-plane) max (X+) and min (X-) coordinate. Then construct a line form those two points. This will also give you the length (point to point).
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I took the question to be more about how to interpret the perpendicularity with MMC callout - and I'm at a loss.

But as far as strategies without Curve, I would:
- construct a symmetry plane based on the two flats
- scan each end as its own "circle" feature
- intersect the circles with the symmetry plane
- repeat at multiple heights, then recall the intersections into 3d lines at each end
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the stragies from Michael is not bad, with the intersect point I would make a recall in a circle "Ø" and there you can evaluate the position with "M" and th diameter.

I hope this is intersection 🤣
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Create 3 slot top middle bottom using, these slot create a 3D line .you can use the 3D line for perpendicular checking ,then add formula in the perpendicular to tolerance column. formula is difference between slot length at MMC and actual slot length.
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