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LF Measurement Plan for Calibration Artifact


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Does anyone have a measurement plan for a calibration artifact that they would be willing to share? We have a third-party artifact that looks like the Zeiss ultra check. It has a sphere, a few gauge blocks for linears, a cylinder and a cone.

I have an idea on how to write the plan, but I'd like to see an example, if one is available. Thanks.

Jeff Frodermann
Meier Tool & Engineering
Anoka, Minnesota

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I'm pretty sure the Zeiss artifact comes with a program, and there may be some issues with sharing it outright(?)
You may get some suggestions for creating your own, though,
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Thanks, Sebastien.

After much searching, I was able to find the original vendor for this particular calibration artifact. It's called an Easi-Check and the vendor is the Torus Group in the UK. They gladly provided me with a measurement plan and a CAD model, free of charge.

Are you listening, Zeiss?? Not everything needs to be licensed and monetized. It's okay to provide the end-user with everything they need to operate their primary purchase (i.e. the coordinate measuring machine).

Before you know it, we'll need a dongle-based license to post on this forum 🤣

Jeff Frodermann
Meier Tool & Engineering
Anoka, Minnesota

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Definite bonus for the free program
Can you share what you paid for the artifact?
I believe Zeiss doubled the cost of just the artifact about 7 years ago... I wouldn't buy it from them, now.
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Unfortunately, the Easi-Check calibration artifact was purchased before I was hired, so I don't know what my company paid for it. You could ask the Torus Group for a quote.

Nixon, calibration artifacts are parts containing reference features, like a very round cylinder or a very spherical sphere 😃 . They can be used to check the accuracy and repeatability of your machine. Typically, these are used at intervals between you machine's scheduled calibration. Zeiss calibrates our Prismo Ultra CMM every year, so I plan to use this calibration artifact every three months or so.

Jeff Frodermann
Meier Tool & Engineering
Anoka, Minnesota

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