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Cad Model Transformation


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Is there anyway to use the cad model transformation tool and carry the points over with correct vector direction?

My part is rotating but the points are staying at the location of the old alignment.

Thank you.
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See if this works: Instead of using CAD > Modification > CAD model transformation; try using this CAD> Modify CAD entities > step 1: under hierarchy tab select all features you want to transform > step 2: go to transformation tab and input your translation/rotation numbers or you can also use positioning tab to input your numbers. I don't remember exactly what I did in this situation but do some trial and error with this.
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You might need to do the rotation using the Special button in the Base Alignment window. Tip: After I do this, I will go back and Create New Base Alignment using the original base alignment features in their new orientation to eliminate the need to have the rotation in the Special window.
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