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Defining a theoretical plane


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Is there a way to create a theoretical plane going through either physical features or centerlines and use that plane to measure to?
I do see the "Theoretical plane" on the option list when I select "Plane" from the Features, but cannot find the way to define what I want to use for the plane definition. Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance
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Seems like there should be an easier way but this appears to work.

Measure a point
Create an alignment to that point
On Toolbar choose: Features - Plane, set the alignment to the alignment created in the last step.
Under Nominal Definition choose Theoretical Feature, choose the measured point.
Change the nominals to zero.
Hopefully, someone else has a better solution! 2707_bbea84bde136e19ef6e85ffb8b7bda18.jpg
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I think this is the best solution.
In alignment you can choose elements like 3d lines and so on. Much better, then using formula to get XYZ and other stuff.

But if you want to use characteristics based on alignments, then you would need recall one feature to get coordinates in base alignment.
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Are you possibly looking for a way to create a CAD plane on which you can define measurement points?
This would be done as follows:

Go to CAD / Modify CAD Entities
Select 'Create Geometry', click the Plane button and enter values as desired, then click 'Create'
Select Hierarchy tab, right click the new (black) entity and select 'Part'. This marks it as belonging to the workpiece.
Now you can click the plane in the CAD window like any other CAD feature and define strategies as usual.


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