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Global setting that disables file creation?


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Ive run into a problem with a specific program, I create 6 files thru "Name for output files.
Its been creating files since it was created, now it will not create any files at all.
Is there a global setting I accidently set that will disable all file creation?

Measuring Points
Characteristic text file
Header text file
Feature text file

This is the standard code I use:
Characteristics Table FIle
"S:\Quality\Quality Department\7.6 Inspection\CMM data\#CMM txt Files\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("operation")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_chr.txt"

Features Table FIle
"S:\Quality\Quality Department\7.6 Inspection\CMM data\#CMM txt Files\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("operation")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_fet.txt"

Report header table file
"S:\Quality\Quality Department\7.6 Inspection\CMM data\#CMM txt Files\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("operation")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_hdr.txt"

Measuring points
"S:\Quality\Quality Department\7.6 Inspection\CMM data\#CMM ZMP Files\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("operation")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_.zmp"

PDF file PiWeb reporting
"S:\Quality\Quality Department\7.6 Inspection\CMM data\#CMM PDF Files\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("operation")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_.pdf"
Images show what should happen.


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I just ran into the table files not generating at all after I made a change to the "Name for files for all measurement plans", lost about 40 runs of data before I noticed.

In my case it was all programs open that stopped creating the files, not just a single one.

But restarting Calypso fixed it for me, I hate that solution.
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That is not he issue at all.
Thank you

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I've rebooted the PC, CMM and prior to that restarted Calypso.
This single program will not create and files as it did the day before.

My only solution was to start with a new template and copy/paste my data.
This worked fine.
The problem is imbedded in the original program.
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