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Available In: [stage range] restriction doesn't apply correctly in report video


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I've created a report with elements I'd like visible only during one stage range.  As the video plays, I want ValueElement_1.DIM to display during Test_1 stage range, followed by ValueElement_2.DIM displayed during Test_2.  The video spans all stages. These are imported external datafiles that accompany 2 test sequences in my Aramis project file. 

The resulting video is not applying the visibility restrictions I set for ValueElement_1 and ValueElement_2 (though the restrictions appear to apply correctly when I'm editing the report field of view and paging back and forth through stages).  It is keeping visibility of whatever stage I was in when clicking OK. 

Am I misunderstanding this restriciton property, or is this a bug? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Lauren,

you have to change the stange range you would like to show in the video in the following dialog (see the attachment) during the creation dialog. You can change it also afterwards. 

Hope this helps,




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the response. I'm trying to do something slightly different, though.  I want the report video to play All Stages (Test1 then Test2 in one report). When It's playing Test1, ValueElements2 should be hidden, and vice versa for Test2/ValueElements1.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lauren,

this option is not available in the reporting area. 

I would recommend to export both of the videos and combine them afterwards. 

Greetings, Ivan

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  • 2 weeks later...


thanks for posting this problem. I am trying to do something similar, but instead of using Value Elements I am importing using the ASCII option. Did you every find a way to make some elements appear then disappear during a video?


when you say export and combine them afterwards, do you mean to use a separate video editing software, or do you mean to keep using the native video editing software? If it's the former, what video software do you recommend that is easy to obtain and use?

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