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True Position Open Ended Slot


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I am very new to Calypso(only a couple months), and am faced with the challenge of measuring the true position for open ended slots around the circumference on a cylinder.
I can't see how to program this in calypso. Could someone please walk me through this?

Best Regards.
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Create a plane on each side/wall of the slot. Create a symmetry plane, recall feature points, and recall the 2 planes from the slot. Fix any nominals as needed. True position the symmetry plane. A symmetry plane will allow the use of material condition.

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Thank you for the reply Robert.
I tried creating the symmetry plane and asking for a true position of the symmetery plane. It was showing a deviation of up to 0.600" which is not possible.
Could it be that I have patterned all of my planes? I have six slots around the circumference.
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If the planes are nominaly (Basically) on an angle other than 0 or 90 degrees from the datum reference frame, you have to click the "special" button in the Position characteristic and rotate the DRF to the Basic angle.
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Ok, I tried roatating the DRF to the Basic basic angle. I got a true position result that is somewhat believable on the first slot. However the remainig 5 slots in the pattern were showing results 0.600"-0.700".
I think I may have to programa each slot individually in order to get the results that I am looking for. Which makes the pattern function useless in my case.
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If you want to keep the feature patterned, you'll need to use a formula in the position characteristic that rotates the coordinate system with each index.

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Hello, how exactly do you use this formula. i'm trying to check a pattern of 600 slots all around the center of an OD. .54° spaced out.
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  • 2 months later...

sorry to revive an old thread. Where do you put this formula, and what do I vary the '60' based on the angle of of my slots? I am trying to create a best-fit bore pattern of 5 radial slots (every 72 degrees).

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