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Angle hole position


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I have a drawing, it has pattern angle hole. How can I check the true position. I have to rotate all the 6 holes to that 12 degree?. Pattern holes doesn't working so use keep posting and created 6 secondary alignment using the intersection point with the datum B.I don't have cad model.


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Hi. Wow yes this does seem like a challenge, moreso without the CAD model. You should be able to create the nominal 6x angled cylinders easy enough though either : using 6 secondary alignments or : making them 'cylindrical' features and simply changing the angles.

Once you have all correct nominals and measured data, I'm not sure Calypso's pattern best fit would handle these angled cylinders very well. You could try to start with with, if it works then that is great.

What I might do if it were me is : project each cylinder axis, 1.) to end face opposite -B-, 2.) and I dont think I would intersect these with -B- as the angled cylinders are not shown to continue to -B- but rather an internal face shown in top right corner of drawing. Wether you measure that face or create a theoretical plane at that end, I would intersect the angled cylinders on this end as well. I would simply position tolerance the 6 points at each end (without MMC of A or K - just to start with). If both show in tolerance, I would think it is safe to say the part is conforming. Because where is the location of a cylinder, top?, middle?, bottom ??? I think Calypso usually takes worst case.

Measuring these could be a challenge without RDS, at a minimum I would measure a circle at each end, but would also try to measure one near the center as well.

Good luck, let us know exactly where you're stuck and we should be able to get you through it.
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Well what about making cuts with tilted planes to match cylinder axis?

When i used cut with plane and cylinder to make a circle, then you can use MMC. Even pattern can be used
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Thanks for the detailed explanations. Yes, I have RDS, so I can measure it , piece of cake.
I have created 6 secondary alignment rotated 60 degree and 12 degree respectively. Then I checked each position individually using those alignment. Using MMC I passed the inspection. But lam not pleased with my inspection because I can't measure according to the drawing.
I can't use MMB for both A and K datum obviously the best fit also missing.My inspection report and functional gauge checking will not be match. 😭
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So, I have to create six theoretical plane and cut the cylinder. I will try this top and bottom, new concept for me. I never think about this. 🙂
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