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PDF filename error


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I am trying to change the filename for the outputted PDFs. I select my header fields but when I go to save it gives an error "same filenames not permitted". I have the incremental part number as one of the parameters so the files shouldn't be the same for each save. Am I missing something?


PDF File naming.JPG

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It looks like you are changing the "PDF file PiWeb reporting" to the same name definition that "PDF File Graphics" is using.

Try changing the end of your string to "+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"_PIWEB"+".pdf" so that it differs.

On a side note, would anyone know how to get that box "Name from setting for all Measurement Plans" checked automatically as a default for all new programs? I do almost the same thing with my reports to keep them organized but having to check the two boxes for each new program is annoying.
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One difference between your method and the way that I do it - I put my filename string into
Resources -> Name for output files -> ... for all Measurement Plans...

Then when you open the ... for this Measurement Plan... all you need to do is check the two boxes on the right side there and it auto populates your string.

You can also direct it to save your results in other locations as well as pack them into their own job folders. My string looks like this:
"\\server\zeiss\Zeiss Cmm Results\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_"+getRecordHead("order")+"_"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".pdf"
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I can only get this to work on my machines with PCM. Will this work on non-PCM machines or do I have to get more PCM seats?
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