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Combine 2 prgs


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I have a part that is broke into 2 programs from a customer. I want to take both prgs and combine them so as to print everything out on 1 report. Nothing is working for me. I've tried numerous things but come up with nothing.

I think I have to use the copy/paste with references?? Or is that used for something totally different?? I could re write the 2nd prg but it has loads of dimensions. Has to be a way to flip it, and use the second prg alignment but im coming up way short

ANY help is appreciated
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If it suits your needs, you can use copy&paste with references, but you'll have to check if everything has been transferred. I never tried, but somehow I doubt Calypso will copy over nested references. So be sure to check for completeness.

You could also include the second program as a macro in the first. That way you could keep the second program unchanged, but it would run as if it was just one. If the alignment of the second program is different from the first, you need to re-create it first and assign it to the macro.
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Hi Mike. I've combined programs successfully before. As Norbert mentioned, check carefully that everything transfers correctly. Be especially careful with clearance paths and safety positions. Step the program through slowly until proven and verify the results for plausibility.

You can prompt the operator to flip the part by using the programmable stop option in the strategy for a feature. This can be placed inside the strategy for either the last feature before the flip or the first feature after the flip. I've attached a screenshot of this.
. 4532_85e99ecbf52d0fae96b1b1ccbc55dffc.png
Jeff Frodermann, CQI
CMM Programmer
Meier Tool & Engineering
Anoka, Minnesota
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  • 3 months later...
Can anyone explain the procedure for creating a combined program macro?
I have two programs, each with a different BA and orientation. I've been ask
to combine them using the macro option, if that's even possible?
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I've gone as far as taking a part that laid on the table with two programs for each side and fixtured it to lay sideways on posts.
Then combined the two programs into one. Have a star probe on the Eclipse and RDS heads on the two others.
Helped with TPs relating two both sides.
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