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Best Fit Pattern Explained


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Hey all,

Will someone give me an explanation of the uses/application of the Rotation constraints and Best Fit Method drop down, in the lower section of the Best Fit Bore Pattern window? See attached.


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To your first question - the easiest explanation revolves around how constrained your Position DRF is. Depending on how constrained it is will dictate if you need to release a rotation (this means it is checked) a translation (this means it is checked) or both. You can also use the Bore Pattern even if the DRF is fully constrained (this means they are both unchecked). This can be useful because of the Bore Pattern Plot that is generated.

For your second question - I will default to the Operating Instructions:

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Please note that the Tolerance best fit is the only way to unlock the ability to use MMB/LMB.

Another way to the look at the Best Fit methods (in regards to the Gaussian, Minimum Zone, and L1) has to do with splitting the error. The Gaussian and L1 are going to split the error as evenly as possible, but use slightly different algorithms to do so.

The Tolerance Best Fit is trying to replicate how it would work with a mechanical test.
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