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Text Element doesn't work any more.


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OK, so it is Piweb. Last time I checked, the suggested workaround was to use groups as pseudo-text.

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We use text elements for small bits of info on the printouts our mill operators get.
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Yes! In almost 10 years of using Calypso, I've never once needed Text Element! I always am so confused when people say they are so important.
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Not offset info, we use them more like category headers, e.g. all the production-specific characteristics go under a text element that prints something like "these are production reference measurements". For this use-case, the aforementioned groups would serve a similar purpose on Piweb reports. As for comments, it looks like there's a fair amount of room in the form templates for readable text, but adding a comment to a simple diameter characteristic results in some very tiny words.
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You can always create your own report template. Using the Protocol object, you could have 2 row templates: 1 of which is a row template that has all the space you need for extensive comments. Just a thought?
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We use text elements to separate process dims from top-level-drawing dims. I also use them for job set-up references that aren't on the blue print. At bigger companies they don't like seeing extra stuff on reports but a text element can clarify the purpose of the "dims below" along with the assurance that they'll be deleted upon first article completion. 👩‍🏫
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We use them for set up information, so that the fixturing is exactly the same every time. This is a big help for operators who are running a part for the first time or haven't run it for awhile. We do not include it in the reports, so it stays masked. Also if a program has not been run before we will use text element to alert whoever may run it that it needs to be watched and debugged as needed.
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I use them mostly for manually checked elements, leaving a blank field for an operator to fill in. For example, a radius that may need checking with an optical, surface finishes, or a threaded feature that has multiple elements that need checking.

Text elements can contain formulas too. I once had a part that was very finicky, requiring almost constant adjustment. I made a text element that had a a bunch of calculations and strings that output specific adjustments for multiple offsets and tool comps at the end of the report.
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I have found that showing groups in Piweb reports works well for the tasks you mentioned. Comments can be added to each group to relay information. Groups add a clean, organized look.

However, if you wish to add Text Elements to your Piweb reports, click the option to Upload Text Elements under Resources > Results to File > PiWeb Reporting [Configuration]. See attached images.





Jeff Frodermann
Meier Tool & Engineering
Anoka, Minnesota

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