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Construct Symmetric Plane - Odd behavior for Referenced Construction


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In the following images, nominal element "Plane W" is created by "Construct Symmetric Plane" between the "Concave Pressure Face" and "Convex Pressure Face" elements with the "From acute angle" option selected.  The actual element "Plane W" is constructed by reference construction.  As long as the angle between the two "...Pressure Face" planes is less than 90 degrees, I get the actual Plane W that I expect.  However, if the angle between the two "...Pressure Face" planes is only slightly larger than 90 degrees, I get an actual Plane W that is not what I expect, namely, it is a plane that is 90 degrees to what I would expect.  This causes the construction of alignments that depend on the "Plane W" element to fail for parts where the angle between the pressure faces is greater than 90.  Is there a work-around to this behavior that will make my element constructions and alignments more robust?

Expected Construction for Actual Plane W:



Unexpected Construction for Actual Plane W:




Ray Romesburg

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Thanks for your response Nanno,

When I uncheck the "From acute angle" box, I get the wrong symmetric plane for both the nominal and the actual when the angle between the planes is less than 90 deg as shown below.  That is why I originally created the plane with "From acute angle" checked.



Ray Romesburg

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Hello Ray,

makes sense, the acute angle changes from part to part depending on the angle being greater or smaller than 90°...
There is no way to specify a constraint for a symmetric plane I'm afraid. Maybe the alignment could be realized by the intersection line of the two planes?


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Thanks Nanno,

Apparently, that's what I have to do.  I changed the construction method for Plane W to "Construct Perpendicular Plane" using two points created from the intersection line of the two planes and another plane that was independently constructed.  That seemed to work for all of the conditions.



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