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CMM Planner display options


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Does anyone know how to display the CMM in the window while programming offline? I used to be able to do this back in 4.3 or something close to that revision.

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There's a button for this in the simulation window. You can show the stylus, the head and the CMM separately.
No Calypso nearby right now, so I can't make a screenshot
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  • 9 months later...
The CMM CAD/Simulation button is not available on my planner... I'm guessing that I need to upload a machine specific CAD model; which I recall being discussed on the forum, but I cannot find it.

I'm looking for the CAD for an Accura II, and a Contura... and if instructions are available, that would be pretty sweet 😃
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First of all, you can't "upload" a machine model. Calypso comes with a predefined set of models. If the machine and measuring range you selected in the CMM settings matches an existing model, it can be displayed. Otherwise the best you get is a rudimentary representation of the table, probe etc.
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