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Calypso 2018 - CAD View Freezing


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I've recently ran into an issue where I cannot use the CAD model in Calypso 2018.

If I just load the model into the measurement plan, I can rotate, zoom, change views, everything is normal, but as soon as I try to extract a feature off the model, the view will lock up. What is strange is that you can still extract features, and define features, but the view is frozen. If I close the measurement plan and re-open everything is back to normal until I try to extract a feature again.

I have completely uninstalled all versions of Calypso, removed all traces of the installation, and re-installed, but it still does not work.

It is only affecting 2018. I assume it is something with the ACIS kernel, but I'm at a loss.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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Does it do it with all models?
Have you tried autohealing?
Did it just start doing it?
Is it a windows 7 computer?
Maybe see if the graphics card has an update available?
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Yeah it started doing it, but granted I haven't used 2018 in a bit. I've tried just about everything. This is a Windows 10 computer.

Weird that it only applies to 2018.
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Does the ACIS window show any helpful error messages? It shows a lot of insignificant errors already when everything's ok, but maybe there's one of importance now?
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*** Error entity:facet: 
Usage: (entity:facet entity-list [unfaceted-only=#f] [facet-option] [acis-opts])
entity-list   : entity or list of entities to be faceted.
unfaceted-only : boolean flag to control if only unfaceted entities are to be faceted. de
fault = #f
facet-option   : facet options created using 'facet:options-visualization', 'facet:option
s-expert' or 'facet:options-precise'
acis-opts      : journaling and versioning options.
(define sphere (solid:sphere 0 0 0 5))
(define fov (facet:options-expert 'tol_spec_mode 1 'surface_tol 0.1 'normal_tol 30 ))
(entity:facet sphere fov)
"(entity:facet p fov)"
*** Error entity:box: Not a valid ENTITY type for this operation
"(entity:box (part:entities))"
*** Error entity:box: Not a valid ENTITY type for this operation
"(entity:box (part:entities))"
*** Warning (spaacis/src:EARLIER_VERSION)
    save file is from an earlier version of Acis
*** Warning (spaacis/src:UNITS_NOT_EQUAL)
    save units not equal to the restored units
*** Warning (spaacis/src:UNKNOWN_SUBTYPE)
    unknown entity subtype(s) found
*** Error pick:entity: Invalid float operation
"(pick:entity myevent (filter:type \"face?\") )"
*** Error pick:entity: Invalid float operation
"(pick:entity myevent (filter:type \"face?\") )"
*** Error pick:entity: Invalid float operation
"(pick:entity myevent (filter:type \"face?\") )"
*** Error pick:entity: Invalid float operation
"(pick:entity myevent (filter:type \"face?\") )"
Here is also a video of what happens.
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