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Autosave Custom Report AND Log Piweb Data in Piweb


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I have been doing a lot of research on how to automatically save Zeiss Calypso reports. We use a custom report to review our data and would like this specific format to be the version that is saved. I accomplished this by using the multiple report feature and setting up the autosave destination. I also had to change the the multiple report from "default piweb reporting" to the custom report that I set up, so under the multiple report drop down menu "warren screw" my custom report that I set up was selected - under "Result" in the "start measurement" window. My custom report was autosaving just how I wanted it to.

My issue now is since changing from "default piweb reporting" to "warren screw" the measurements aren't being uploaded into "PiWeb reporting plus 2019". As soon as I toggle back from "warren screw" to "default piweb reporting" and run a measurement plan, the data shows up in "PiWeb reporting plus", but no longer saves my custom report.

Does anyone know how to accomplish both of these in a single run? I noticed that I can get the data to show up in the piweb reporting plus and get the standard protocol report to autosave at the same time, but when it comes to getting the custom report to save and the data to show up in the piweb reporting plus i'm at a loss.


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I THINK Zeiss has totally killed off the Custom Report. They have been posting about it since like 2018 and maybe they finally did it.

In not 100% sure this is your issue as I use Pweb for everything now
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That is unfortunate. I will have to get some of my employees used to looking at the standard protocol instead of the custom report that they are used to seeing. I personally think the standard protocol is better anyways and if this is the only way that would resolve the issue.
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So I was playing around with this and I think I might have figured it out.
Click on the New Output and give it a name. I named it "Custom". 1917_64417eac45b11b4d2fc973d792503757.jpg
Select it from the dropdown menu. 1917_d0b238b52e396c45de001fcda3aaf31c.jpg
You can change the format. 1917_082aecda9f5ed40b83a512163a921480.jpg
Then on the Report Features dropdown select "PiWeb Reporting" 1917_b3fbc2bab24c9536c5f153a83edd5650.jpg
You should have both of them there. Check the PDF under Output media for CNC run for both if you wish.

I apologize if this is not what you were looking for. 🙂
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