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Constraint question


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That is odd because the form error doubles but, before I'd call it a bug, I'd turn the filers on in the features to see if it changed. When best-fitting like that the points removed by filter might change?
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When I get geometry wandering to far from nominal, or a short arc length I do two things.
Constrain "R" (as in your third image).
Copy the feature, Paste, Recall the original feature and change the constraints to X,Y and Z.
(P.s. perform the recall prior to any actual data is obtained).

Your first feature will reflect the Coordinate Values
Your second feature will reflect the Radius Value.
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I'm not a fan of using constraints or single points, but: have you tried creating a theortical point (using the nominal location) in a secondary aligment, and checking the distance of individual points to that location, for comparison?
An average of those distances should be similar to scanning with the x&y constrained, yes?
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