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Looping Inspections


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We have 4 parts with 4 separate inspections that we are hoping to run over a long duration of time, I know that with Autorun the inspections can be measured back to back without an operator present, but how would one go about looping them sequentially, I noticed that using pallets you can loop the inspections but I'm under the impression that this would cause the inspection to measure in an order similar to (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4) instead of (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4...)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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If you have a pallet with 4 positions and create a loop from 1 to 4 step 1 it will run each position in sequential order.
If you want to run this same order multiple times add another loop. In the example it will run this 3 times.
Make sure to select the "Loops" option button in the lower right hand corner of the Autorun screen.


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Are you wanting one pallet with 4 different mini-plans or programs? I don't know that it can be done.
You can create separate individual icons of the same program each with a different mini-plan and run them in sequential order.
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  • 5 months later...
I don't have an answer to your question, but I think you could help me because I have a similar problem.
We want to optimize the measurement of a piece and reduce the presence of the inspector in the machine, for this we have prepared a work table with 4 exactly the same pieces that we want to measure with the same measurement program, but we do not know how to do it. Please, could you help me create the subroutine of the program and the different part systems?
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  • 10 months later...
For Z ones you have to create pallete where every nest have its own alignment. Aka nest1, nest2, nest3 - so you have to manually touch these positions.

We have fixture of 3 shafts in YZ this way.
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I may need some simple steps for this then.
I have 6 identical fixtures mounted on a plate, 2 rows 190mm spacing, 3 columns also 190 mm spacing. I am using the same program for each part. (That is, I would *like* to be able to use the same program for each part.)
How would I create an alignment on the part in each fixture? Actually, I know how to do a manual alignment on a part, but how would I save the alignments? Or would I have to do this every time I load up the fixtures?
Sorry for such basic questions, but so far all I've found is X and Y spacing, but no way to do Z.
This is the first time I've heard that each part/fixture might need its own alignment, so I want to make certain I understand how to do this.
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For alignment per nest you have to
EDITOR [list=Editor]
  • Prepare names for nest ( aka. PROGRAM_NAME_nest_1-1 )
  • Open program
  • Put part to nest
  • Open base alignment window
  • Rename it from prepared list and manually touch part
  • Repeat for all nests
  • AUTORUN [list=Autorun]
  • Create new pallete
  • Enter number of rows and columns without entering distance
  • Define alignments per position - select all previously created nest alignments
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    Okay, thanks. We'll give this a try. Unfortunately, we've already started a multi-machine runoff and won't have open time in the cmm's schedule for another 2 weeks. And of course after that's complete, we won't need the multi-fixture setup any more.
    But, I'll try to get through this method so we can have it next time we want to run multiple parts.
    Thanks again.
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