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"Set base alignment to zero"


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I just noticed a checkbox option in the Base Alignment dialog, "Set base alignment to zero". Is that even an option? What would happen if I uncheck that? Would all the measured point coordinates and calculations be in the CMM Alignment? Or would that wreak havoc on the program and how it runs? This sounds like a risk...

Edit: Just realized this was a really dumb question, and it is usually unchecked. So this really doesn't go the direction I was hoping it would...
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I never turned it off. Without this setting, a new run is based off of the last base alignment. If you run a tilted part, on the next run, the CMM tries to find the part in the tilted position. I don’t like it, though, because I’ve seen operators putting parts on the machine in a crooked manner, so that the base alignment might be measured alright, but a program then later aborting, because some feature was not found. If you try to run the part again and set it up correctly, the same thing might happen again, because the base alignment got modified.

If you use set the base alignment to zero, it will always snap back to the original, except for when the base alignment gets miscalculated and switches 180°, then even this option will fail. There is another setting somewhere, also called „Set base alignment to zero“, which can remedy this problem when your base alignment suddenly turned 180° and you can’t get it back (under Resources/Utilities).
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