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Fundamental approach to find Z distance between offset entities


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I'm feeling good about the software, but then I run up to something like this that is so simple on a CAD system, but I cannot figure it out.

I've created a circle and a point and I would like the distance in Z b/w the two. I can only get the distance from point to point right now. 

Also, is there a way to just click the point and find out it's coordinates from the current coordinate system? I tried to do that so I could just write the Z height down and subtract them to get the value, but I couldn't find where to get the position of the feature/points.




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I found the solution....I get messed up b/c you have to create a dimension first and then you do your Z height as a 

'check'. Inside the check feature you can isolate the Z height to find this dimension.


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