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Passive Qualification Dates issue


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I am running a passive qualification program on all probes and articulations that we use. When I completed the program I noticed that quite a few of the articulations don't have the correct date and time. (some dates are as much as year old) I watched the program run through these articulations so I know that they were "qualified". The articulations with the incorrect dates also contain an S deviation so I am just not sure if they have been qualified or that is the number from the last time they were qualified. Has anyone come across this issue or have any ideas on what I may do to fix this on the next qualification? For now I am manually qualifying each of the ones with the incorrect date to ensure they have been qualified. I am using Vast XXT (RDS-CAA) on calypso 2016. Thanks in advance for any information.
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Thank you Tom, apparently some of the articulations weren't selected for calibration and I must have imagined that they were the articulations I saw. After going through and adding them to the calibration program it solved my issue.
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